
fulanomengano t1_ja6eymm wrote

You didn’t mention a single word about apologizing. If you really are a good person and want to feel better, you would have realized that any steps you took to mend your mistakes is the most important thing to mention. Not your half ass therapy or religion or whatever. Those are for your own benefit, not for the benefit of the people you hurt. Since you are not getting it, it kinds of confirms my assessment.


fulanomengano t1_ja6ctiz wrote

A sweet person that wants to feel better without taking any steps to mend their mistakes or apologize for the awful things they did? Instead of taking the steps to feel better, they just want something to “forget” what they did. The type of behaviour that gets people into drugs.


fulanomengano t1_ja6cguf wrote

You sound like a terrible person, only caring about yourself. You are trying to avoid feeling guilty but you don’t mention any effort on fixing your mistakes, or apologize to people you hurt and find can you do to compensate for what you did to them. Maybe you should feel guilty.


fulanomengano t1_j30eyvt wrote

Nope. It’s value in the past didn’t come from being shinny and pretty. Its physical and chemical properties like not being corroded, it’s usage in alloys and the fact that didn’t cause allergic or other reactions when in contact with skin is what made it valuable.


fulanomengano t1_iu5dmbl wrote

There are 12, one for each lunar month. When there’s a 13th moon (it happens every few years because the lunar month has ~30 days, hence a lunar year is ~360 days), the second moon in a calendar month is called a blue moon. It gets a little trickier because in some years there are Februaries without moon and I think there can be 2 calendar months with 2 moons.