
t1_jeec34v wrote

Hunh. Never knew this, but yeah

> In 1980, 14-year-old Shields was the youngest fashion model ever to appear on the cover of Vogue. Later that same year, Shields appeared in controversial print and TV ads for Calvin Klein jeans. The TV ad included her saying the famous tagline: "You want to know what comes between me and my Calvins? Nothing." Brooke Shields ads would help catapult Klein's career to super-designer status.

She also dated Michael Jackson in the 90s, weird


t1_jabgvsd wrote

> If I commit a serious crime like rape or murder

That clearly isn't what dow was referring to when he said "sketchy shit."

You, nor anyone, wishes that all their friends and family think they're 100x worse than whatever their ugliest offense was.


t1_j9kz1ht wrote

Fistful of Dollars, For a Few Dollars More, and The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.

They weren't written nor intended to be a trilogy with any continuity but some marketing guys later glued them together in that fashion with the popular "Man with No Name" fanfiction about his three different names being fake because he's a bounty hunter. Most people like to look at them as a reverse story, with TGTBATU as the first, since he gets his poncho at the end and is generally a nicer character who then gets more ruthless as we go through the movies.