
giritrobbins t1_j269435 wrote

As someone represented by a union and a worker in a public sector I disagree (though obviously I have a conflict of interest). I already have a number of my rights curtailed because of my employment status, I should have some control or say over my working conditions collectively.


giritrobbins t1_j268vpk wrote

The issue is police unions occupy a weird position it seems. They seemingly can't do any bad when every other union is evil. There seems to be no political will to try and bargain down and when its attempted they're soft on crime or something like Austin happens where the police stop doing their job with support from the state.


giritrobbins t1_ixcrlis wrote

Watch lists, SSNs and criminal records aren't generally classified, in the federal government much of that is access controlled but not classified. Making something secret or top secret carries a lot of implications from who can access it to how they can access it.