
gravygrowinggreen t1_jea10ul wrote

The 1995 law makes Administration of DC's many schools incredibly complex and expensive compared to a system with saner design. Charter schools/school choice/school vouchers, are all methods of looting public tax dollars for private individuals, and their presence in a school system in the long run makes things worse overall. While nothing directly leads from charter schools to turf fights on school grounds, the pervasive effects insure negative outcomes for society overall. In other words, systemic issues create numerous problems, many of which appear to not be directly related. Charter Schools aren't the sole or direct cause of your wife's experience, but it is a contributor.


gravygrowinggreen t1_je9yah3 wrote

Hmm, seems you may have graduated from a school even worse than a DC public school.

I'll try small words.

1995: congress pass law. law make school hard and cost much to maintain for city. law passed by congress make school hard and cost much. congress interfere.

Did that help? If not, let me know, and I'm happy to work with whatever level of literacy you have achieved in life. We can try pictures!