
guy_incognito784 t1_jad1vky wrote

That’s valid. This time last year a lot of people were staying at home due to omicron.

More people out and about now. Plus the rise in juvenile crime and the fact that many students in cities have been testing far below their grade level would lead me to speculate having remote learning in cities weren’t great for teenagers in cities and we’re seeing the impacts of it now.

But I’m just a dumbass on Reddit so what do I know


guy_incognito784 t1_iy060ou wrote

Last year I was walking my dog and was crossing the four way stop at M St and 5th St NW.

A truck with MD plates stopped and we started crossing. As I approached the truck decided that I did not have right of way and almost ran over my dog.

It was so egregious the man behind him pulled up and rolled down his window to tell me how fucked up that was.

People are just self absorbed plus know basically nothing will happen to them in DC so it’s a free for all out there.

Nothing freaked me out more than crossing any street alongside NY Ave. Drivers making a left will focus solely on oncoming traffic and will try to gun it to make it across a left turn yield intersection without looking for pedestrians before committing.

It got so bad that if I saw a car trying to make a left, I’d just wait until they made it.

For those driving, drive with your eyes, your hands will follow. Another way of saying always look before you turn. Something a race car instructor told me years ago and heavily emphasized, applies for on the street as well.


guy_incognito784 t1_iufvrj4 wrote

Fun fact, at Work and Class in Denver, one of the cash registers behind the bar has a 9:30 Club sticker on it. I asked why it’s there but no one knew why or what it was.

Welcome to DC btw. Hope you enjoy it.

Also when it snows here, it all doesn’t melt the next day. If we get a big snow storm, it’s not uncommon to have mounds of snow left by snow plows stick around until late spring/early summer.

Also all hell breaks loose here whenever it snows a measurable amount so plan accordingly.

Skiing out East also doesn’t hold a candle to skiing out in CO and points west.