
johnbrownbody t1_je6wo2g wrote

> dragging your kid to

Your personal issues with going places as a kid aren't really relevant here. If you think that strip clubs and breweries are so similar then this is really not a very interesting conversation. Again, whatever your personal issues are with children or had as a child going places are your own, and don't impact anyone else.

> You refuse to answer simple questions like "can businesses that sell primarily alcohol cater to parents and children." if you think the answer is no then just admit you want to ban that behavior, and we can go on our separate ways. No need to create silly strawman arguments.

No need to answer this simple question. I'll just ignore you now.


johnbrownbody t1_je6w2yl wrote

Do you think strip clubs and breweries are the same?

No need to strawman your opposition unless your argument is very bad! But you keep doing it.

You refuse to answer simple questions like "can businesses that sell primarily alcohol cater to parents and children." if you think the answer is no then just admit you want to ban that behavior, and we can go on our separate ways. No need to create silly strawman arguments.


johnbrownbody t1_je6vkvz wrote

> Do you have a revenue % in alcohol sales cutoff where kids aren't allowed to be at an establishment? Or is this authoritarianism vibe based

So businesses that either sell or produce their own alcohol for distribution cannot chose to catern to parents to bring their children? You have decided that kids are not allowed at these establishments. Again, any revenue rule of thumb or is your authoritarian belief completely vibe based? I wouldnt want to break the imaginary rules in your head, of course not!


johnbrownbody t1_je6olyo wrote

> In this specific case how bad of a parent are you to not let your kid choose where they have their birthday party and, worse, pick a brewery for their party so you can drink.

Depends how old the kid is, they may not have a preference at all. Do you think a two year old cares where their birthday is? Or a one year old? How bad of a person are you for judging someone going to a nice outdoor space where kids are allowed?

> Call me crazy for thinking kids shouldn’t be allowed at a place for drinking. Keep them at home or get a babysitter.

I mean, am I allowed to bring a kid to a brunch place? People go to brunch explicitly to drink, and I not allowed to go there? Am I allowed to take them anywhere that is primarily for drinking? Secondary drinking? Anywhere assholes might object to a parent taking a child? Alternatively, let other people live their fucking life.

I dont really care what you think about kids at breweries, fwiw. You can keep your bad opinions about parenting to yourself, no need to post bad opinions on the internet and be proud about your bad opinions.


johnbrownbody t1_j68aqpd wrote

>All you’re doing is showing a preference for wealthier residents

DC residents with cars are wealthier than those without. Giving cheap parking to car drivers instead of using public space for amenities that benefit the city in a variety of ways is what benefits wealthy residents who don't care if there is a bus lane because they don't take the bus. Etc.