harping_along t1_j9yscye wrote
Reply to comment by lilrabbitfoofoo in Researchers have found the genetic links between headaches, migraines and blood sugar levels, which ultimately could lead to targeted treatments for patients by giuliomagnifico
Yeah I've looked it up and that seems to be it, not much to do about it except eat little and often - I just keep snacks in my bag and my family & friends know when I get grumpy they need to track down some food! For the headaches I just try and make sure I get enough sleep, don't sleep in, and constantly drink water through the day. It's not too bad, I just wish I didn't have to always keep it in mind
harping_along t1_j9xwm41 wrote
Reply to comment by BagOFrogs in Researchers have found the genetic links between headaches, migraines and blood sugar levels, which ultimately could lead to targeted treatments for patients by giuliomagnifico
Yeah this is really interesting, I also don't have diabetes or anything but if I haven't eaten in a while I get hangry, then I start to shake and feel faint. I'm also super prone to bad headaches if I'm slightly tired or dehydrated. Never thought about it possibly being linked
harping_along t1_j5ygboi wrote
Reply to A new study has found that a gene variant that causes a flush reaction after alcohol consumption also increases inflammation and impacts circulation. This finding could explain why individuals carrying this gene variant also have an increased risk of developing a common type of heart disease. by rjmsci
Interesting, I flush when I drink and I also have Reynauds so my circulation obviously isn't brilliant
harping_along t1_ja2noiv wrote
Reply to comment by lilrabbitfoofoo in Researchers have found the genetic links between headaches, migraines and blood sugar levels, which ultimately could lead to targeted treatments for patients by giuliomagnifico
So you're saying I can keep my pockets full of babybels and call it medicinal? Awesome