
haxxer_4chan t1_iuj1l7d wrote

Sounds like they are just being rude/allowed by their parents to be rude then. The real LPT should be "don't invite yourself to other people's houses" I guess. As a kid when I'd trick or treat with a friend, we never went to their house, we just met in their neighborhood and then returned to our own homes after. But yeah, if showing up uninvited somewhere, I suppose you should at least come bearing gifts


haxxer_4chan t1_iuitnmz wrote

Yeah I guess in my mind that's just the price of living in a nicer area and being a host. Plus, your kid is going over there to trick or treat at your friend's neighbors' houses, not just your friend's.

This feels like it's similar but 2 or 3 steps beyond bringing a bottle of wine to someone's party. It might be a nice gesture, but the host should have enough drinks without it that they don't run out if you didn't bring more. That's just planning and standard hosting responsibility. Unless it's specifically a potluck or you've assigned specific things to specific people, it's on the host to do the hosting (which, to be fair, is why I rarely host). Plus, if wine doesn't get drunk the night of, it will still definitely e appreciated and used later. Some people don't love having extra candy in the house, and they may have planned well enough to have all they need on their own.

I agree though that this would be generous if you knew someone was under-prepared, but it just feels like that shouldn't be the case for them and it certainly shouldn't be expected of you.