
hillandrenko t1_je10x75 wrote

I wrote "your phone would probably have dried out [anyway] in a non-rice environment". I added the word in square brackets to bring the quote back into context before you start bleating about that. The concrete reference was a general statement of what can happen with rice dust, not with that commenter's phone, as is plainly obvious if you read it with an open mind instead of deciding what it says beforehand.


hillandrenko t1_jdzmc77 wrote

The real problem apart from it not working - your phone would probably have dried out in a non-rice environment – is rice comes with dust — rice dust which sets like concrete once it gets wet so if this rice dust gets into the crevices of your iPhone where it's wet you're going to be left with this concrete material and for example your charger won't plug in or your volume buttons are sticky.


hillandrenko t1_jdb1rca wrote

Reply to comment by Yuv774 in call recorder for iPhone by Yuv774

I don't intend to be rude but you would be better off with an Android and the fantastic All Calls Recorder. This app is like a filling system for voice recordings and completely automates the process


hillandrenko t1_jd806qk wrote

All call recorders on iOS offer a poor experience due to having to use three way calling. The person being called is always aware they are being recorded and there is a gap in the conversation while the third number connects. A third party stores the recordings and you need to subsequently download your recording. You are far better off buying a call recorder that plugs into the phone and using that. Personally if I need to record a call I put it on speaker and record with my Apple Watch and an app called Just Press Record


hillandrenko t1_j8sow95 wrote

Have you considered that even if your premise is true, the keyboard can still behave differently between apple apps and non apple apps. Let's say non apple gets the standard unmodifiable keyboard that you speak of and apple do some invisible to the dev/phone user enhancements to the input behind the scenes in their apps thinking they're making it better and it's these enhancements that fuck up the experience while everyone else gets plain old unvarnished text. As a swipe to type user non apple apps subjectively give a better experience.


hillandrenko t1_j83zhbe wrote

The autocorrect performance differs between apps. At first I thought it was better for apple apps and everyone else got a downgraded performance but I get 100% correct in Microsoft apps like Words and Outlook, even with lazy dragging, and typing the same stuff in other apps gives me poor results.