iknowyouright t1_jbardqq wrote
Reply to comment by StoryAndAHalf in The Number of Rent-Stabilized Apartments Registered in Ridgewood Plummeted. ‘Substantial Rehabilitations’ Could Help Explain Why. by vanshnookenraggen
Do you live in Ridgewood? I've been here almost a decade and to say Ridgewood isn't gentrifying is insane.
We went from shitty Chinese food and Corato's pizza to having two Michelin Star restaurants in like 4 years. The amount of kitchy knick-knack shops on Woodward ave is insane, and they are almost all newly in business in the last 4 years as well.
iknowyouright t1_j6yjvwt wrote
Reply to comment by spicytoastaficionado in NYPD Sweeps Migrants from Manhattan Hotel Following Days of Protest by drpvn
Just go ahead and ignore everything I wrote and ignore actual reality. I’m assuming you’ve never worked manual labor jobs like I have with actual real migrants, annd with my own family, and your exposure to this entire situation is through the internet. Have a good day.
iknowyouright t1_j6ychtx wrote
Reply to comment by throws_rocks_at_cars in NYPD Sweeps Migrants from Manhattan Hotel Following Days of Protest by drpvn
Genuine hilarious you think there weren’t towns and cities and an economy run by the indigenous, or that you think Jews escaping the destitution of the Pale of Settlement is the same as British colonial troops orchestrating genocide for conquest.
Please read a book.
iknowyouright t1_j6y5sye wrote
Reply to comment by spicytoastaficionado in NYPD Sweeps Migrants from Manhattan Hotel Following Days of Protest by drpvn
You’re just shoving words in my mouth and calling me a racist.
Plenty of LEGAL immigrants work in almost every labor-intensive industry in this country. That’s our history and current economic reality and pretending it’s not isn’t anti-racist.. If you think I mean illegal immigrants being disposable labor, you can fuck right off. My family is comprised of migrants who came to this country to make a better life for themselves.
You’re also skating the point that US-borne citizens look down on the migrants keeping this country running. Entire industries in this country depend on immigration (not just illegal immigration). And there’s plenty of ways legal migrants get fucked over - looking at the entire HB1 visa program.
So what? You want to send all these people packing instead of letting them come here and build a better life? That’s your idea of being anti-racist? Deport them?
iknowyouright t1_j6y0e7q wrote
Reply to comment by Grass8989 in NYPD Sweeps Migrants from Manhattan Hotel Following Days of Protest by drpvn
How dare we become more humane as the wealthiest, most powerful nation in the world.
The last time these "economic migrants" stopped coming our produce was rotting in the fields. Be grateful you don't have to do the backbreaking, underpaid labor that keeps this country running and instead get to look down on the people that do.
iknowyouright t1_j6xyf39 wrote
Reply to comment by Grass8989 in NYPD Sweeps Migrants from Manhattan Hotel Following Days of Protest by drpvn
Downvote all you people want, but we had no real immigration policy until the Chinese exclusion act, which was based on racism, and then the country-specific immigration quotas, which targeted undesirable populations (notably, those countries just happened to be where the majority of Jews had immigrated from, almost completely halting Jewish immigration to the states).
If your ancestors came before the 1880s they were almost guaranteed to be "economic migrants" but there was no law stopping them from coming. So now in 2023 we look with disdain on people coming for the exact same reasons because....reasons.
iknowyouright t1_j6xxckg wrote
Reply to comment by Grass8989 in NYPD Sweeps Migrants from Manhattan Hotel Following Days of Protest by drpvn
Everyone's pissed about "economics migrants" when the most likely scenario (unless you're black or indigenous) is that everyone's ancestors to this country were a form of "economic migrant." That's the entire purported purpose of this country.
Give me your tired, your POOR, your huddled masses, yearning to breathe free.
iknowyouright t1_j6kihhw wrote
Reply to comment by MitsyEyedMourning in Local Muslim community helps shut down burning of Torah scroll in Sweden by green_flash
Lol. You can get a fake one for 200.
Real scrolls are handwritten over months or years on kosher animal skin (parchment) by a specially trained scribe.
Minimum 10,000-30,000 dollars for a real scrill
iknowyouright t1_j6fduhv wrote
Reply to comment by WoodPear in 'Leftists go home': Crowd accosts news crew at site of Jerusalem terror attack by MijTinmol
More like the British promised the land to both Arabs and Jews and then just fucking left without a transition of power plan, ensuring a war
iknowyouright t1_j6fb1x3 wrote
Reply to MTA cuts free Wi-Fi from NYC buses by flightwaves
I can't think of a better way to open yourself up to cyber crime than using public unsecured wifi
iknowyouright t1_j64cu3m wrote
Can't wait for $4k studio apartments with no walkable grocery stores!
iknowyouright t1_j5r1muy wrote
Reply to comment by Majestic-Reality-544 in Smacked Village: New York’s second legal weed dispensary launches today by Character_Mall_1966
Weed shouldn’t be bleeding colors like that…
iknowyouright t1_j5pzolh wrote
Reply to comment by drpvn in Smacked Village: New York’s second legal weed dispensary launches today by Character_Mall_1966
I am absolutely going to stop smoking untested, unregulated, probably contaminated bodega weed and go to these stores.
An extra $5 an eighth isn't worth smoking whatever chemicals that bodega ditch-weed is saturated with.
Submitted by iknowyouright t3_znlc31 in nyc
iknowyouright t1_jbavuam wrote
Reply to comment by StoryAndAHalf in The Number of Rent-Stabilized Apartments Registered in Ridgewood Plummeted. ‘Substantial Rehabilitations’ Could Help Explain Why. by vanshnookenraggen
Well I'll believe you since you've been here so long, but damn if rents haven't skyrocketed alongside these Williamsburg-lite stores. It certainly feels like gentrification