
vanshnookenraggen t1_j4z6fji wrote

The only person who can really make the needed reforms at the MTA is the Gov. At this point I don't see that happening. At most the MTA will put out some kind of budget with some magic numbers about cost savings. But they are still going to cry poor and propose service cuts (more than they already have.)

Anytime you see a MTA spokesperson mention "best practices", they are full of shit. The MTA wouldn't know international best practices if it hit them.


vanshnookenraggen t1_j0wc3zv wrote

"“A crucial component to achieving this is community engagement, which must be expanded through participation and input from diverse stakeholders at the neighborhood level and frequency, depth and inclusivity,” the speaker said."

Because this has worked so well in the past? People love to shut down new development. This process only adds time and cost to developments.


vanshnookenraggen t1_izyeub6 wrote

No, there is a very specific section of that tunnel which is absolutely not wide enough. You're thinking of the Freedom Tunnel which, at one point, had 4 tracks. But these tracks never went to Penn Station originally. A connection was made later on, and it is a single bore tube.

A second tunnel would have to be threaded below Hudson Yards. Is that possible? Totally. Will it cost a billion dollars? No doubt.

But the thing that is really going to keep Phase 2 from happening is ridership. PSA runs through a dense section of the Bronx and connects to CT. The Hudson Line runs along the river and serves mostly bedroom communities. That means the potential ridership is way lower.

PSA running along the NEC could justify the high price tag. Phase 2, maybe not so much.


vanshnookenraggen t1_iy4k6ky wrote

After all the time it's taken, I really don't care if it's a couple of months late. Cuomo pushed the MTA to finish 2nd Ave by an arbitrary date and they skipped a lot of important check list items. So much so that if you go there today the stations are starting to fall apart. Do the job right, get it done when it's done.


vanshnookenraggen t1_ixvm7tr wrote

All of this is factually incorrect. The $8 bil cost was pre-inflated. The MTA's own costs estimate that the hard costs will be around $1.5b, and double for soft costs which cover cost over-run contingency.

There does not need to be ANY eminent domain, especially at Metropolitan Ave.

These neighborhoods, at least south of Queens Blvd, are absolutely transit deserts. While there are some areas with literally no rail transit and only a couple of buses, the areas south of Forest Park seem like they have good transit if you are only looking at a subway map. But the limited capacity on the J/Z and A/C means that they are de facto deserts. Deserts aren't devoid of water, they just don't have enough to sustain a lot of life.

This is not to say that there aren't more areas that need transit, just that this is one of the last places where we have existing infrastructure that can be reused at significant cost savings. It's ludicrous to think we should turn it into a park that would block any future use of transit.


vanshnookenraggen t1_ityiv49 wrote

I've seen something like this while bartending. Woman was trying to get inside my closed bar and wouldn't stop. She didn't disrobe, but was clearly out of her mind. My friend and I finally got it out of her that she was trying to get into her apartment which just happened to be the NEXT door over.

We got her into her building, and up to her apartment. Then got the fuck out of there. Her roommate happened to be a regular and when I mentioned the story to her she said she had heard about it from her roommate.

Now, we will never know what it was exactly. But having been around a lot of drunk people for many years, it clearly wasn't JUST alcohol.