
iv2892 t1_ja391bm wrote

That’s what I’m saying is already a big deterrent because those tolls are in place already. Imagine you live in JC, Hoboken, Newark, Fort Lee or anywhere in northern NJ where PATH or NJ buses are readily available and you want to go to midtown or anything below , are you really going to drive by yourself , Pay tolls and even more on parking when getting there ? the same could apply to going from other boros and towns east of Manhattan like Queens , Brooklyn and Suffolk county


iv2892 t1_j91lngo wrote

For sure , maybe because even as a guy I remember I would get pressured from other guys telling to make moves with any moderately attractive woman I talk to or I’m friends with. In their mind you can’t possibly be just friends with women . I absolutely hate that type of machismo and even men can be victims of that .

What’s more frustrating about “macho guys” like this is they would screech and get violent if other guys do the same thing to their gf’s, mothers , sisters , etc. but yet they think it’s okay for they themselves to harass other women.


iv2892 t1_j91coog wrote

Just out of curiosity do you feel is there an improvement in the education and social code to make sure more men realize this ? I think is okay to try to socialize with a woman I just met but si Also understand that if she doesn’t seem to do much of a conversation I just say bye and move along since I don’t want to make anybody feel uncomfortable because I hate it when it happens to me.