
jamesangellaw t1_j5x13vz wrote

I honestly cried from joy. I read that book probably five times starting a decade or more before the movie. Seeing the battle school on the big screen was moving.

Did it not do justice to the physical and mental torture of Ender. Of course. But it was still beautiful to me.


jamesangellaw t1_j5wy5we wrote

Just the first. And only really a subset of the first (like most movies… hard to cover 400’pages in 2 hrs).

There are at least 10 other books. Most take place hundreds or thousands of years after Ender’s Game.

Second is called Speaker for the Dead.

I cannot recommend more highly.


jamesangellaw t1_j5ww96l wrote

The movie got a lot wrong. And the best part of books is you get to choose the accents/pronunciations. Your imagination is more important than a Hollywood director’s determination.

(Side note: huge Ender’s Game fan, read the entire extended series. Movie was good, but missed a lot… as expected from movies).