
josef_k___ t1_je9bzpl wrote

It was just recently the 20Y anniversary of the Iraq invasion, clearly one of the greatest crimes of the century (when you go to the Security Council, get rejected, then still do it, I don't know what else to say), not widely covered in the media (PBS and Democracy Now had some time devoted to it, others I'm sure as well, specifically on the question: why did we do it -- to try to show we're still the superpower was the unfortunate answer from a top analyst)...still, your comment here is in poor taste.


josef_k___ t1_je4pudf wrote

I was waiting at Green St this past Saturday morning and some 10yo little girl went "Daddy, it's been saying 1 minute for 5 minutes now!...Now it says it's stopped!"

I was just laughing to myself thinking of Ernesto from Always Sunny: "I share this little girls pain."


josef_k___ t1_jc27gch wrote

Yeah, slush and shitty wind. Heavy, fluffy snow coming straight down with no wind for a good length of time is so rare in Boston that I vividly remember the last time it happened (though not the date...maybe 2 winters ago): I went to the arboretum and sat in the ash tree section for 2-3 hours, getting completely engulfed by the snow, then walked around for another hour or so. Nobody was there and it was stunningly gorgeous, serene, and pristine.


josef_k___ t1_iycxywj wrote

Yeah, it's a bummer. I've been going there since around 2011 and it was my favorite. Great seasonal nigiri choices, very affordable chef's sushi lunch, etc. Haven't been since covid hit though because they haven't opened up for dine-in and I live in Boston so takeout isn't really an option.