jwormyk t1_je173jf wrote
Reply to comment by vonHindenburg in They’re Dealing With the Boat Finally by KawaiiFive0h
Pretty sure the Coast Guard was also involved in this mess...
jwormyk t1_je0l3t2 wrote
Reply to comment by Aggravating_Foot_528 in Gainey is set to unveil plans to challenge the tax-exempt status of more than a dozen properties in the city, including UPMC and a Propel School on the North Side by sugarandspice85
What are Pilots?
jwormyk t1_j72j69s wrote
Reply to comment by Discoamazing in What happened they literally just finished building the upstairs hand out spot? by Dismal-Bumblebee4932
I actually kind of like red baron frozen pizza, but Mineos shouldn't taste like that. The sauce is a tad spicy and the obnoxious amount of cheese is actually good quality cheese.
jwormyk t1_j72iy0q wrote
Reply to comment by bangarangrufiOO in What happened they literally just finished building the upstairs hand out spot? by Dismal-Bumblebee4932
Awesome. Looking forward to trying it.
jwormyk t1_j6yp4n9 wrote
Reply to comment by bangarangrufiOO in What happened they literally just finished building the upstairs hand out spot? by Dismal-Bumblebee4932
Never had Lupo... Are you saying its not worth it?
jwormyk t1_j6yid7d wrote
Reply to comment by Snoo71538 in What happened they literally just finished building the upstairs hand out spot? by Dismal-Bumblebee4932
Spirit is primarily a multi-purpose bar/venue that also sells good pizza.
jwormyk t1_j6yi2xz wrote
Reply to comment by periphescent in What happened they literally just finished building the upstairs hand out spot? by Dismal-Bumblebee4932
Totally this. However, things are getting weird with Pizza prices out there. Mineos is now close to thirty $30 for a large one topping pizza. Although excellent in my opinion (not inviting a debate on this) its hardly gourmet.... On the other hand, Driftwood is now about $35 dollars for a pizza and I guess it would be considered gourmet (I'm not a huge fan). Point is, Pizza prices are out of hand and we need a pizza politician to save us.... To bad Herman Caine died. RIP.
jwormyk t1_j5yik9m wrote
Reply to School students in Sq Hill by soparklion
Ive heard nothing but horror stories about teaching right now…. Horrible behavior problems, increase in fights, weak fragile kids and denial parents….honestly get rid of social media. I would argue its the cause of all of those issues. (Except reddit of course)
jwormyk t1_itw2veo wrote
I could talk about 28 forever, but what I find to be one of the weirdest things about the road is the complete diversity of driving styles from lane to lane. There is no continuity or consistency between speed (no one travels 45 mph) or traffic flow from the left lane to the right lane. I feel this is partially because exits are on the left and right side and people use the road as a major thoroughfare for rush hour traffic as well as a neighborhood connector... The funny thing is it is a pretty typical road in Pittsburgh.
jwormyk t1_je17cfr wrote
Reply to comment by Lost_Planchet-te in They’re Dealing With the Boat Finally by KawaiiFive0h
Ding Dong.