
vonHindenburg t1_jdhgsuq wrote

I think the ship has more to do with trade, as one of the sources of the state's wealth. Philly was one of the nation's major ports and centers of commerce when this seal was created and that ship would be crazy-anachronistic to represent William Penn's.

EDIT: From Wikipedia:

> The Pennsylvania coat of arms features a shield crested by a North American bald eagle, flanked by horses, and adorned with symbols of Pennsylvania's strengths—a ship carrying state commerce to all parts of the world; a clay-red plough, a symbol of Pennsylvania's rich natural resources; and three golden sheaves of wheat, representing fertile fields and Pennsylvania's wealth of human thought and action. An olive branch and cornstalk cross limbs beneath—symbols of peace and prosperity. The state motto, "Virtue, Liberty and Independence", appears festooned below. Atop the coat of arms is a bald eagle, representing Pennsylvania's loyalty to the United States.[2][3]


vonHindenburg t1_jbflrq7 wrote

My dad used to work downtown at a bank here. One night a bad storm knocked out power to a big chunk of the town and took out a big tree in the bank courtyard. We were down there in the pitch dark cutting this tree apart so that nobody tripped over it coming in the next day. It felt a bit dicey with people suddenly appearing on the sidewalk in the small circle of light from our lanterns.

Fun fact: The town was named for another industrial town: Essen, Germany. Monessen = Essen on the Monongahela.


vonHindenburg t1_jadrtqc wrote

Defunctland is a Youtube channel that does highly interesting documentaries on, among other things, amusement parks and attractions. A few months ago, he did one on Kennywood's biggest mistake. It was amusing how a guy whose career is talking about amusement parks and the relationships that locals have with them, was clearly a bit weirded out by how strongly Pittsburghers feel about Kennywood. Still, of the 10 oldest roller coasters in the country, 5 are in PA and 3 are at Kennywood. Whatever the park's current faults, I still find it really cool that my 5yo daughter can enjoy the same attractions that her great grandparents rode at her age.

(All in all, though, I prefer Idewild.)

EDIT: I totally forgot that the Old Mill that is the focus of the video dates all the way back to 1901, a generation older than the roller coasters. My daughter's great great grandparents may have ridden it as small children.


vonHindenburg t1_jadqy9p wrote

I love Idewild, particularly in the off season. We always go for the Highland Games and Hallaboo. It's the 3rd oldest amusement park in the country and it retains more charm, human scale, and.. not wildness, but less of a sense of every square inch being meticulously controlled for maximum profit, than many newer parks with bigger budgets on higher-priced property.


vonHindenburg t1_j1q33a6 wrote

Great! Lots of driving from Monroeville to Washington County and back. Relatives said they hit some ice on 819, but I never noticed anything but a bit of blown snow.

Our 5yo had a blast at both sets of grandparents and was great the whole time.

Merry Christmas!


vonHindenburg t1_iyfcevt wrote

More or less than the number who get twitchy over 'Doo Boys'.

Oddly, the French name that we do pronounce correctly "Duquesne", seems to be the one that I hear mangled most often in audiobooks and on podcasts.