kalysti t1_jcb9kvb wrote
Reply to comment by mcat_goon in Instead of Practicing Gratitude, Practice Arrogance [Tool] by mcat_goon
I read your whole post, so my comment addresses what you had to say.
kalysti t1_jcb7sqk wrote
Wow. Just wow. Become the self-aggrandizing asshole you hate does not sound like a good idea to me. How about becoming moderate, reasonable, and practicing things like compassion for self and others? And, maybe, recognizing the good things in your life on a daily basis?
kalysti t1_jaty2d8 wrote
Reply to comment by blue_twidget in Museum issues appeal to save famed "Misty of Chincoteague" ranch from being sold to developers by ZebZ
It's in the article.
kalysti t1_jarzh21 wrote
Reply to Museum issues appeal to save famed "Misty of Chincoteague" ranch from being sold to developers by ZebZ
They have a GoFundMe, which I immediately went and donated to. My 7 year old self would have pitch a fit if I didn't.
kalysti t1_jabagc1 wrote
Grow up and take your relationship seriously. She does. Your disrespect for her is terrible.
kalysti t1_ja5uumt wrote
The biggest lesson here is to never cheat on your partner. Doesn't matter if it is romantic partner or work partner or whatever. Don't cheat on your partner. Not for any reason. You do not have the right to do that simply for your own convenience. What you did was not just a mistake, it was unethical.
You are young, but not too young to start thinking about things like ethics, morals, and principals. Start building your own code to live by. A good place to start is "Do to others as you would have them do to you." Having a code of ethics can help us not do stupid, selfish things that hurt others and ourselves.
kalysti t1_ja08rco wrote
Reply to A Roman walks into a bar. by ichico13
Then he crosses his fingers and says, "Ten more."
kalysti t1_j9ej1yd wrote
Reply to TIFU by forcing my (18 M) BF (19 M) to take me out , even tho he’s in the closet by [deleted]
Maybe be a little more thoughtful about what you ask for, next time. Think about the worst consequences, and how you can avoid them.
kalysti t1_j9br5pt wrote
Reply to TIFU by not trusting my girlfriend by Charming_Rock9189
How old are you? You sound like a teenager. What you can do is accept that you have been needy, selfish, controlling and self-centered. That's where jealousy comes from. You need to accept her decision to take a break with a good attitude, and try to grow up a little. When you see her again, do not dump all your notes on her. You hurt her. So now you focus on her and put her feelings first. You don't pester her. You make a single sincere apology, and then let things be about her.
kalysti t1_j8vpxin wrote
Reply to [Text] How do you fix your life in your 30s after wasting about 8 years unemployed and living with family by sleeplessbearr
Sometimes, we have to make drastic changes to our lives in order to give ourselves a chance at happiness. Get rid of all of your gaming gear and games. Sell it and/or give it away. Then go out and get a physical job in the real world. Make a commitment to stick with that job for one year. Get involved in physical hobbies, too. Stay away from internet surfing and social media as much as you can. Volunteer to do physical things in the real world like food banks, etc. Invest yourself in your real world life. Interact with the people you work with, do hobbies with, volunteer with.
You aren't going to want to do this. Part of you is going to say you can't. Part of you is going to throw a tantrum when you try to do it. Ignore all of that and just keep at it. Consider all of this a course of treatment for your mind and spirit. If you aren't in a better place in a year, you can always try something else.
kalysti t1_j6bcwpo wrote
Reply to What is a realistic timeframe for landing the first human on Mars? I have seen predictions for the next few years, but that seems almost impossible. by TheGreatestOutdoorz
NASA is looking at landing a short manned mission on Mars in the late 2030s or the 2040s. They have been very successful in missions involving humans and in missions involving landings, so I'd say that is a pretty realistic timeframe.
kalysti t1_j5irydu wrote
Reply to TIFU by getting drunk by justheretowatch-1184
You sound like you have a problem with alcohol. Stop drinking.
kalysti t1_j4trjav wrote
Reply to comment by Erratic_Noman in Biologically speaking, what makes men typically stronger than women? by Erratic_Noman
No. Men just have more muscle tissue. They also have denser bones. But the differences are in quantity, not quality.
kalysti t1_j27r20e wrote
Reply to "The Rev. Joe Carter, expecting a visit from the Ku Klux Klan after he dared to register to vote, stood guard on his front porch. West Feliciana Parish, Louisiana. 1964." by sinner00515
Courage. One of the United States' unsung heros.
kalysti t1_iwapx9m wrote
Reply to TIFU by confessing my feelings to my best friend the day after he broke up with his girlfriend by nachocheesetriangle
No one deserves being outed. Period. However, you were incredibly insensitive to interfere with your friend's grieving period. No matter how difficult his ex was, he cared for her and she left him. Being the one left behind is devistating, and your time together should have been all about him and his feelings about his situation.
If you ever find yourself in this situation again, don't have sex with the person, and don't confess your feelings to them. Give them time to work through their own stuff. It's what a true friend would do.
kalysti t1_iu3xv4h wrote
As if anyone outside of Russia believes much of anything their government says. Not even their allies.
kalysti t1_itkdw21 wrote
Reply to comment by IHadToPickOne2 in The way people speak in The Count of Monte Cristo. Can someone explain? by foxdna
Yep, and all of my adult relatives got the appropriate title. Aunt Ann, Uncle Andy. To this day, many of my own niblings call me Aunt kalysti.
kalysti t1_itisbox wrote
Reply to comment by foxdna in The way people speak in The Count of Monte Cristo. Can someone explain? by foxdna
I do love the book. And it was true in the United States. Even when I was a girl, back in the 60s, I was expected to address adults as sir or ma'am. And I only used their first names if they gave me permission.
kalysti t1_itilxkx wrote
It was the way people of certain classes talked to each other.
Communication was much more formal back then, generally speaking. No child would speak to an adult without calling them ma'am or sir. No child would ever use an adult's first name. And adults who didn't have a close relationship would not call each other by their first names, unless one of them had a higher social status. Higher status people could use lower status peoples' first names.
kalysti t1_jdfie13 wrote
Reply to TIFU by breaking my best friend's expensive aquarium by [deleted]
If they are a good friend and a reasonable person, they will not hold it against you. But it's time for you to replace what you've broken.