
kidnoki t1_ja342iv wrote

They actually tested this, a famous photographer Francois Bernell, searched the world to find "twins". These twins were people unrelated, but looked identical. They followed up the art project with a research experiment to look into their DNA and found that they actually did share more genetic material than the average person.

"Dr. Esteller found that the 16 pairs who were “true” look-alikes shared significantly more of their genes than the other 16 pairs that the software deemed less similar. “These people really look alike because they share important parts of the genome, or the DNA sequence,”


kidnoki t1_iuyxhk5 wrote

Yeah you'd have to consider optimal fertility cycles and mating/seasonal habits and tendencies. I remember looking at a birth rate chart for the months and we had a very cyclic pattern going, where there would be heavy births after colder months and an obvious 9 month barrier, that would decrease fertility, but obviously this was just the most common, we have pretty crazy reproductive options compared to some of the larger more social and intelligent mammals. Probably because we domesticated, which throws in a whole new set of pressures on birth cycles.


kidnoki t1_irv7cd4 wrote

The colors actually aid in frost and UV protection. In the north as winter comes Carotenoids and anthocyanins will be produced at a higher rate, while reverse biosynthesis occurs revealing the deeper, reds, oranges, blues and purples. At least in cannabis, I can usually play with the final colors, by tweaking temps and also the pH on my feetigation, this can also change the sap and pistil color.