
kirbypuckett t1_je9icjw wrote

I’m not familiar with Barcadia, but you could also consider Shorty’s, Coop deVille, or Pins Mechanical if you’re looking for other places with games. None of those are really cheap though.


kirbypuckett t1_jdmlh9k wrote

Since OP is looking for Punk and Metal Jerry’s is def not the place. The Attic would be the best — they have a dedicated punk and metal section in the back. New used stuff is right when you walk in the door, make sure you browse that stuff too /u/spencergar. Tell Tony I said hi.

If you’re able to you can also hit up the Government Center which is close to town and not far from the Attic. Also Get Hip is pretty close (I haven’t been there in a minute though, so not 100% sure what they have).

It’s a bit outside of the city, but Preserving is a dedicated punk/hardcore/metal store (and venue):


kirbypuckett t1_ja16gbs wrote

In high school one of our teachers who didn’t want to teach would just show videos. He put this tape on (I think, may have been “Stuff that’s not…”) and Rick is wearing a Boss sweatshirt in it. This one girl stands up and yells “Hugo Boss, things that aren’t here anymore!” — hope she got into comedy because that comedic timing was incredible.