
kirill_da_thrill OP t1_j6oyfy6 wrote

I think it's because he lost a lot of weight (good on him) which can cause a bit of saggy skin which can make you look older.

im not sure though

as for the movie, I think the worst character was Mo. I don't know if you agree but I just couldn't stand her and she propagates the idea that white people and black people don't belong and it sounds so offf to me


kirill_da_thrill OP t1_j6oy1sp wrote

well what peiple believe anonymously is none of our fucking concern is it?

i'm just saying socially speaking (not even legally speaking) interacial marriage is not up for debate in the US, even less in Los Angeles. Are some american, los angeles families strongly against it? sure!

i was just poiting out that reacting to your white best friend DATING a black girl the way Mo did in the movie was fuking nuts


kirill_da_thrill OP t1_j6ox3sx wrote

I agree with you for the cast.

I also agree with ypu for separating the work from the artist, as my post said. But that's personal and in the current social climate it's very tricky, I feel like the general consensus is to wait a bit before using someones work ie making sure its not too fresh in peoples memory.

And yes something can be racial without being racist. But if you're being clubsy with such a touchy issue, you deserve the backlash.

Touching racial subjects is very hard. It's like playing with fire.

I don't feel like it's going on a limb to say that the directors burned themselves on this one.


kirill_da_thrill OP t1_j6otl9y wrote

in the setting of the movie (Los Angeles) it is not a subject of social debate. Are there some people there against it? For sure. But it's not a subject of social debate. If you sit at a table with 10 average people from the city, odds are that you won't have much agreement if you tell them you are against your black daughter marrying a white dude.


kirill_da_thrill OP t1_j6ot88k wrote

Well I'm sorry but my older brother has been in a interracial relationship for a while now, my sister has been in a couple and so did I. My friend is currently in one.

Are there some prejudice against these? Of course, you would have to be blind to say that racism doesn't exist anymore.

But it's definitely less an issue than before. My dad I think (from comments he's made) is internally against it, even though he himself had relations with different ethnicities.

Also, my comment was about how the current social climate is better than ever for interacial relationship and how it's fucking cringy that the first thing you say to someone dating a black girl is "iN thIs sOciAl CliMatE?? HoPe No OnE geTs kIlleD LoL"


kirill_da_thrill OP t1_j6orjfi wrote

You being a sociopath thinking it makes you a cold blooded sociopath has nothing to do with this.

People are affected by the content they consume. Or have you not heard of what propaganda is???

Don't get me wrong, this movie is not propaganda. But it does affect your perceptions of things.

Also people are not numbers so rational and logical thinking won't help you understand the basic issue with this movie which is racism and bugotry in interpersonal relations


kirill_da_thrill OP t1_j6oqrtc wrote

I agree with what you are trying to say but it's a touchy subject and sometimes you have to be held accountable for the way your piece of artwork is perceived. This movie feels heavy and dividing and the message is kinda fucked up, you have them breaking up because their family are not compatible BECAUSE THEIR PARENTS ARE FUCKING TERRIBLE, and then have the neitral character say it's because BLACK AND WHITE PEIPLE WILL NEVER BE OKAY, and then the only rrason they go through with the wedding is because they love each other, not because the parents go along.

Also the whole holocaust vs slavery bit was heavy and tone deaf

We are past the times when we could be tone deaf with such delicate issues


kirill_da_thrill OP t1_j6ooqhb wrote

It's not because it still is a very real issue (my dad for example was worried when I was seeing an asian girl because he said our kids wouldn't have blue eyes or whatever) that it's something REAL people in REAL life care about. People in their 20s and 30s for sure don't care about this, because this issue is not relevant like it was before (literally was socially accepted before to be against)

On top of that, "iN thIs SocIal CliMate" is fucking cringe because if anything it's better now than it ever was and Black Lives Matter protests shouldn't make it worse
