
kmmontandon t1_jbuozp4 wrote

Makes me wonder if it might be worth watching the Kings again - I haven’t seen a full season since the one immediately after Adleman left. I’ve bought into the hype of a few brief sparks of upswing like Tyreke Evans before.


kmmontandon t1_iuic6xp wrote

What office is Bill Clinton running for? And how many donations has he taken for a fake legal fund?

Because you people plaster yourselves with Trump's name and fly his flags from every surface you can attach one to, while going to his dumbass rallies to listen to him rant incoherently.

Between Trump and Bill Clinton, only one of them has a slavish base of supporters who can't wait to vote for him again in 2024.


kmmontandon t1_isz4tlv wrote

> And honestly it's pretty unprofessional to have a gang of law enforcement intimidating an accused like that

This was after he was convicted of cold-bloodedly murdering another police officer, and after a profane outburst aimed at the jury. He was a violent criminal, you bet those bailiffs are keeping a close eye on him.