
kzlife76 t1_je7az93 wrote

People without impulse control. There's a psychological reason behind why it works with physical money. Since you see how much you spend and how much you have left, you are more likely to think about purchases before making them. It also takes self discipline or an accountability partner.


kzlife76 t1_je4uz5c wrote

I don't know if any banks in the US offer this. My bank does have a checking/savings account that has a "reserve" account that can be used to separate money. It's like having 3 accounts. But this wouldn't really be a good envelope system.

Personally, I like the zero dollar budget where you assign every dollar to a category. It's similar to the envelope system. When you run out of money in a category you stop spending on that category. Although my system has become more of an accounting system rather than a budgeting system since I just assign my monthly transactions to categories at the end of the month. It still helps me track what I'm spending money on. I'm fortunate enough to have 0 debt and a healthy income.

If you want to get started with a zero dollar budget, Dave Ramsey has a free app called Every Dollar. It's what I started on before moving to a custom spreadsheet.


kzlife76 t1_je2ohn4 wrote

The envelope system is a method of budgeting where you have envelopes with categories written on them. You put a certain amount of cash in each envelope. So one for entertainment, one for restaurants, one for groceries, etc. When the envelope is empty, you are out of money for that category until the next paycheck or month, depending on your budgeting cycle.


kzlife76 t1_j7o8adh wrote

There's an interview with Cody where he talks about his downfall in the UFC. He says that after he had his son, he lost the passion to train. His father was absent most his life and he didn't want to do that to his son. He wanted to be there for every single moment. So he would cut training sessions short or skip workouts to be home with his son. It sucks that he couldn't do both or find a balance. Love him or hate him, he's trying to break the cycle that is the shit of T-county.


kzlife76 t1_iu7in5y wrote

I've played around with making veggie burgers with mushrooms. You can get surprisingly close to the texture of beef. And mushrooms pretty much take whatever flavor you add to it. The problem I run into is the mixture has to be pureed and you end up with a sticky mix that you have to shape as you drop it into the pan. They were still delicious.