
lightknight7777 t1_jdswrfk wrote

Ah, we're talking about broadcasting information and not obtaining it? Anyone would be justified to physically defend themselves from such a thing.


lightknight7777 t1_jdrquuy wrote

Because absolutely all of our tech requires wearable or implanted devices. Location is world's apart from articulate thought reading.

The strength of waves able to detect thoughts from a distance would be insanely powerful and potentially deadly, but there's simply no tech being reported on that doesn't have devices on the head.

Anyone is free to educate me if I'm missing something out there on this.


lightknight7777 t1_jdqh9e8 wrote

Tech that reads the mind is very interesting. I don't think general public scanning is possible or likely, but I imagine the early tech to allow you to use your brain to control things like your phone and stuff will be the first risk point for corporate abuse.

It's a very exciting future if the tech continues to develop. Not having to touch devices will be very useful and interesting in the future.


lightknight7777 t1_ja4ed7f wrote

It's the tissue from all 3 tracks. In no way can you just claim It's the anus or the vagina or the urinary tract. It is distinct from any of the three it is a merging of. A cloaca is not an anus.

That's why there's a distinct term from anus for it.


lightknight7777 t1_iyegi3c wrote

Reply to comment by rvgoingtohavefun in Lightbulb not working by BSPirat

That's a lot of assumptions.

I'd be absolutely fascinated to know how you thought there being a plug there could cause an arc that would then somehow not short the breaker in a way that a wire nut would. From an electrical perspective, there's virtually no difference between a male to female plug connection and a wire nut.


lightknight7777 t1_iye5mlk wrote

Reply to comment by rvgoingtohavefun in Lightbulb not working by BSPirat

If you plug a cable into an outlet it can pull out exactly the same. The female connector is always secured to the back wall and is no different than an outlet being there. And the appliance is firmly connected into the male plug hardware. I'm just converting the appliance to a plugged appliance.

Am I not explaining something correctly? The only thing you have to know is that the plugs are the right spec. Like you wouldn't grab 220V plug adapters. It's literally like running an appliance to an outlet. I'm not talking about cramming anything into a cramped space.

What are you imagining I'm saying? Do you have any kind of example?

Like for example, let's take it to the most extreme possibility of just converting random things into plug versions, are you saying the following would be dangerous/illegal (the guy doesn't use a polarized plug like he should and is the epitome of a beginner, but I'm talking about the concept):

The wires are secured into the plug. The plug coming unplugged wouldn't do any damage besides cutting the power. Really curious what you were thinking about.