
liptoniceteabagger t1_j7qouyo wrote

Sounds slightly high based on my experience, but not outrageous. Plumbers are also in high demand at the moment , so you likely paid extra from that.

I also think you are making some wrong assumptions about the cost breakdown he gave you. He may have been at your house for 6 hours, but that hardly accounts for a lot of the backend labor that goes into a project like that, including buying various other materials needed for the install since the equipment does not come with all the necessary piping and valves needed, and then going to pickup all the necessary materials, potentially at multiple different suppliers since some materials are hard to acquire at the moment.

His statement about his supplier being more expensive than HD is absolutely true as well. Almost all equipment and tools sold by HD or Lowe’s are of lesser quality than the same exact product sold from a contractor supply house. That’s how the big box stores make huge profit , they basically pull a bait and switch on unaware homeowners.


liptoniceteabagger t1_j7bvg0o wrote

They are pretty straight forward in my experience.

The chair of the zoning board will typically read the zoning ordinance that is potentially affected and then describe how it is going to be impacted.

The property owner or their representative is then given time to speak , and the abutters and zoning board members then ask questions.

I’m not sure how it is in other towns, but in mine, the board can make their decision with or without approval of the abutters. But, if you ask serious questions and raise real concerns, then the board members will hopefully be more likely to question the need for the variance.


liptoniceteabagger t1_j24i35p wrote

If they do all those activities and deny climate change, then it’s likely they will never change their mind; either due to ignorance or arrogance.

The change over the last 10 years is drastic and glaringly obvious. There are now multiple days each winter month where the temp hits 50-60. Almost every ski resort south of the Whites now rely almost entirely on man made snow. There is basically no snowmobiling in the southern half of the state unless there is a decent snow storm, and even then, its going to melt quickly. The evidence has been clear and obvious for quite sometime.


liptoniceteabagger t1_iz47fl6 wrote

Again, provide a link to any paperwork that was submitted to a court by Trumps legal team that shows any actual proof of widespread voter fraud.

A link to a bunch of highly disputable facts and opinion based articles means absolutely nothing.