
t1_jchq5o4 wrote

They are completely different. I would say the Miyazaki film was loosely inspired by the book, whereas the book is heavily influenced by myths and fairy tales. I saw the movie before I read the book and love them for completely different reasons and was shocked by how the movie is nothing like the book. I'm going to reread them once I figure out which kindle account I have them on.


t1_j9ivx44 wrote

Naomi Novik's Scholomance trilogy has been great. You might like the Chrestomanci novels by Dianna Wynn Jones, Garth Nix Abhorsen series is great.

It would really be useful to know what you liked about Harry Potter.


t1_j5syugi wrote

What everyone else said. I track the books I've read, use the Book Challenge, see what other people are reading (I've gotten some interesting books that way). But I didn't even realise it could give you suggestions. Haha. Good Reads is owned by Amazon, so it's not surprising you may be getting certain suggestions.


t1_j2a95dm wrote

I read so much in middle and High School I couldn't tell you what we covered... But I can say the books I read for fun had a greater impact on me than those I read for school.

At Uni I took Non-Western World Lit and I really enjoyed the books and learned SO much about colonialism and it's affects. I am definitely a better person for that course.


t1_ixyb1af wrote

I read them as a child, my grandparents new I loved to read so I got gifted both sets of novels. Laura is from the Big Woods if MN, and I was from MN, which was cool. I also moved out West with my family. The Anne of Green Gables books lost me as soon as Anne grew up, I didn't feel anything in common once she graduated from school so never read the other books until I was older. I didn't read all of LM Montgomery's books as she changed lead characters throughout the series.

Basically, they were very different. Anne was Canadian, she lived in a settled town within driving and short train rides to other towns/cities.

Laura was American and her family were settlers/homesteaders looking for a better life. I still don't get why they left their family and friends in the Big Woods... And Alonzo's story was fascinating! I loved his novel.