
martin0641 t1_j7ky73y wrote

I'll pile on a prediction, this is what finally introduces centralized computing into the home the same way we have central air conditioners.

You can put in a frame or rack, install blades as needed, modular as lightbulbs.

Devices can be just screens and batteries with the video being piped down over existing Wifi or whenever, I have 6E at my home and it connects at 2.4Gbps - runs Parsec perfectly.

Your home core will run your AI with whatever hw modules you can stuff into it, and it is charged with protecting your information, it knows how to expand itself if you can provide it more compute.

For workloads the AI needs to outsource, services will agree to legally guarantee that when their AI is given access to your private copy of an S3 bucket of relevant personal information that it will provide an answer and will keep none of your data - only keeping the solution steps to help other users.

Users in local nets can offer spare encrypted containerized capacity that your neighbor's AI can rent for a nominal automated fee, likely paid for by selling some solar credits back to the grid automatically, lowering the load on centralized servers - to run a data set and return with the answer and shut down the container and wipe it - or return logs to the originators system.

When you pull the people out, you remove the temptation of user indiscretion, when it comes to things like legal contracts and business dealings believe me you want the most dispassionate law-abiding robot you can get.

Just watch out for the ones they give guns, because that's one of those times where that human discretion can go both positive or negative depending upon the situation.


martin0641 t1_iz15dzz wrote

They reflect light much better at higher clarifies, so it's more obvious at a distance that you can afford the GDP of a small country on your neck as some kind of weird flex.

I don't have any diamonds, I'm not a ferret who likes shiny things so I'm not interested anyway.

Then again other than a wedding ring I don't wear, I don't have any jewelry either, so I guess it's not diamond specific.


martin0641 t1_iz07idm wrote

Carbon is carbon, all diamonds are equally real.

The fact that the deBeers is trying to force the government to require synthetically created diamond to be laser etched is hilarious.

They want you to put a flaw on a perfect creation so that you get lower quality.

I think there should be labels on mined diamonds that says "mined via 12-year-old in Africa"