midnight_reborn OP t1_jec0646 wrote
Reply to comment by MicrosoftContin in There are no heart donors or recipients in the Ancient Egyptian Afterlife. by midnight_reborn
I see.
midnight_reborn OP t1_jebzhq7 wrote
Reply to comment by MicrosoftContin in There are no heart donors or recipients in the Ancient Egyptian Afterlife. by midnight_reborn
Are they not allowed to donate or receive organs?
Submitted by midnight_reborn t3_12705dg in Showerthoughts
midnight_reborn t1_j83tzdu wrote
Reply to comment by manormortal in Monthly Discussion Thread - Month of February, 2023 by AutoModerator
I knowwwww :(
midnight_reborn t1_j807qkh wrote
Reply to comment by plants_pants in A completely normal 58 degrees day in FEBRUARY! by membershipreward
I have no idea. I don't know the statistical probability or history of such events happening.
midnight_reborn t1_j800xa9 wrote
Reply to comment by Papa--Mochi in A completely normal 58 degrees day in FEBRUARY! by membershipreward
It's not that all of the city will be underwater all of the time, but we'll be seeing more massive storms that knock out large areas of lower Manhattan like with Hurricane Sandy. It's going to get worse, and it's not going to get better until humans stop emitting so much damn carbon.
midnight_reborn t1_j7zyczo wrote
The record temperature for today is 60. Not that this isn't concerning. What can we do about it? Keep petitioning your elected officials to tax carbon emitting companies and encourage public transit over driving into work if possible. NYC should be a walking/riding City only. It's insane driving into and parking in Manhattan anyway.
midnight_reborn t1_j7zy3m6 wrote
Reply to comment by plants_pants in A completely normal 58 degrees day in FEBRUARY! by membershipreward
Found the man-made climate change denier.
midnight_reborn t1_j7zy1bw wrote
Reply to comment by k112l in A completely normal 58 degrees day in FEBRUARY! by membershipreward
Flora usually come out due to both temperature and light, so I don't think we'll be seeing too many buds just yet.
midnight_reborn t1_j7zxr3b wrote
Reply to comment by manormortal in Monthly Discussion Thread - Month of February, 2023 by AutoModerator
looking at the forecast for the next week or so, I'm afraid that it will be :( But there's always March?
midnight_reborn t1_j7zxlhy wrote
It's too warm. I hate this. I want my childhood winters back.
midnight_reborn t1_j1rpuli wrote
Reply to Quentin Tarantino responds to Kanye West saying Django Unchained was his idea by PineBarrens89
Why do people still pay any attention to Kanye? He's old news. Irrelevant. Washed up. I only clicked on this post because it mentioned Quentin Tarantino. Otherwise... Kanye Who?
midnight_reborn OP t1_jecnwdb wrote
Reply to comment by NotEasilyConfused in There are no heart donors or recipients in the Ancient Egyptian Afterlife. by midnight_reborn
lolol yes, there is that as well :D But if that technology and knowledge existed back then.... they probably wouldn't perform them due to religious reasons.