
mikeyHustle t1_j6i4c5y wrote

It sounds like your lesson is somehow more about carrying cash than about crypto. Even without having crypto problems, you wouldn't have had cash in your wallet.

Also how much was this barber? The ATM wouldn't give you enough to pay him, and you needed to get cash back at a gas station, too? Damn.


mikeyHustle t1_j6amixm wrote

That's the owner's dad, I believe. He apparently likes to chat with people he already knows and ignore people he doesn't, though. I know someone who (I wasn't there, but the story goes) spent their birthday just sobbing waiting to be seated for an hour because he bumped several friends of his in front of her reservation.


mikeyHustle t1_j66cbfu wrote

Oh, um. I'm just gonna list dreams, I guess? I'm honestly not sure what's pragmatic / "realistic." Probably none of it, or some of it would have happened by now.

  • A huge, outdoor amphitheatre downtown that has free shows all the time, like the one in Chicago's Millennium Park

  • A riverwalk, too, while I'm stealing from Chicago -- with vibrant business running along at least one of the rivers

  • Buses that run to/through downtown that pass through all of our neighborhoods every 20-30 minutes, at least

  • The train to run through the North Hills, and not just the South.

  • Snow removal as reliable as the surrounding suburban areas have, where they run all night and you're ready with a drivable road in the morning


mikeyHustle t1_j61sl16 wrote


Bridges and Bourbon has some "elevated cocktails" that you/they mix in front of you and wild glassware (you can ask for something fun).

The rooftop of Sienna Mercato for after dinner, maybe.


mikeyHustle t1_j61s12t wrote

I wouldn't take a date to Christos. It's kind of a delight as a dingy Greek cafe, but the atmosphere for a date feels all wrong to me.

UNLESS they just walk in and grab two Jackie Os for takeout afterward. That could be fun. The dessert is classier than the decor.


mikeyHustle t1_j5vckbr wrote

I remember that the big dreams and projections they had for new transit layouts all got put on hold, service got destroyed, and they're *still* trying to figure out how to do the plans they cancelled in 2008.


mikeyHustle t1_ixvns5o wrote

I mean, if you liked Old Town, try China Buffet King on Noblestown. I would personally classify both of them as "Not Great or Gross, But There Sure Is A Lot"


mikeyHustle t1_iwvfvd0 wrote

It is unfortunately legal, although depending on the store, there's a chance that someone else owns the building, and not having heat could be a violation of their lease. You'd have to do some research to find out who to talk to about that and it still might not come to anything, though.