
modeless t1_jdtx2eu wrote

I like the idea of predicting the user's response. How's this as an architecture for a helpful agent:

Given a user question, before you generate an answer you predict the user's ideal response to the model's answer (e.g. "thanks, that was helpful", or more likely a distribution over such responses), then generate an answer and iteratively optimize it to make the ideal user response more likely.

This way you're explicitly modeling the user's intent, and you can adapt the amount of computation appropriately for the complexity of the question by controlling the number of iterations on the answer.


modeless t1_jdevktx wrote

To me the browser plugin is the only one you need. Wolfram Alpha is a website, Instacart is a website, everything is a website. Just have it use the website, done. Plugins seem like a way to get people excited about giving the AI permission to use their stuff, but it's not technically necessary.


modeless t1_jc4i39e wrote

> performs as well as text-davinci-003

No it doesn't! The researchers don't claim that either, they claim "often behaves similarly to text-davinci-003" which is much more believable. I've seen a lot of people claiming things like this with little evidence. We need some people evaluating these claims objectively. Can someone start a third party model review site?


modeless t1_j02fiss wrote

Without the requirement for exact repeatability you can use analog circuits instead of digital, and your manufacturing tolerances are greatly relaxed. You can use error-prone methods like self assembly instead of EUV photolithography in ten billion dollar cleanrooms.

Again, I don't really buy it but there's an argument to be made.


modeless t1_izzpcbe wrote

He calls it "mortal computation". Like instead of loading identical pretrained weights into every robot brain you actually train each brain individually, and then when they die their experience is lost. Just like humans! (Except you can probably train them in simulation, "The Matrix"-style.) But the advantage is that by relaxing the repeatability requirement you get hardware that is orders of magnitude cheaper and more efficient, so for any given budget it is much, much more capable. Maybe. I tend to think that won't be the case, but who knows.