
nerd4code t1_jae9ccg wrote

What you do is, all of you need to keep a half-step up or down from him (except him, obvs. or he’d run out of kstack and BSOD, and using that as the basis for a kick-out might look bad), and then confront him afterwards with his obvious tone-deafness.

Now, if he’s not tone-deaf, he’ll self-correct and y’all’ll have to switch to and from the actual notes as he does (I recommend a gradual sinusoid around the usual pitch—it helps, if signing, to pretend you’re an 80-year-old contraltos with a helluva vibrato). That’ll take practice and your keyboardist keeping a spare elbow on pitch bend, but it’ll only boost your own, personal musicalities to get good at it, giving you a higher horse to spit at your lead singer from (or whatever people are supposed to do with their high horses).

The audience is likely to notice y’all modulating like crazy people, but pretend it’s intentional and part of your unique sound, and it was Frontman’s idea anyway, but you’re getting rid of him so it’ll be obscenely normal/non-unique next time.

Or just tell him. Less fun tho’.


nerd4code t1_jadp1rf wrote

Well at least they won’t drone-bomb citizens, and I’m sure our top legal minds have firmly rejected the possibility!

What’s that? Both Obama and Trump killed citizens abroad sans trial (in absentia or otherwise), and Eric Holder refusing to rule out the idea is as much public debate as the notion got? Well at least we aren’t just recycling the same political whores who’ve been active in the government since the Nixon era, and the problem should fix itself.


nerd4code t1_jado5gs wrote

GPUs are in general way beyond overkill for NNs, which is what you’re talking about. NNs can use the massive data-parallelism and linear-algebraic trickery offered by GPUs, but the data format you use tends to hit a sweet spot right around 8-bit floating-point, and video cards tend to focus on 16+-bit, us. with the ability to do 32-/64-bit f.p. and 32-/64-bit integers also—units and busses for which will at the very least eat power. Newer NVidia cards do have TPUs attached so they can do 8-bit stuff without un- & re-packing, but that’s a comparatively tiny afterthought to the card’s design, and atl afaihs the TPU is usually shared between pairs of thread-XUs.

What you’d really want is to focus on, say, 32-bit integer add/sub/deref and 8-bit f.p. MACs in their own, non-shared units/lanes, and any special accel you can do for convolution will help some also. Which is why TPUs as a standalone thing exist.


nerd4code t1_j8wnydh wrote

Ours tried peeing on our cats’ litter boxes for a bit, but TBF he’d pee aggressively (with eyes locked to mine) so Idunno if it was imitative or retributive, or if he just decided all the pee smells belong together.


nerd4code t1_j3qa5nl wrote

Or they internalize the abuse and take riskier and riskier behaviors as they perceive themselves increasingly devalued and estranged from loved ones, or the abuse can trigger latent psychological issues that might not have been actual problems otherwise. They may even perceive the STD as something of a “win” or wash if their partner contracts it from them.