
noheart120 t1_j0r7nsf wrote

Ones that I am 100% that have openings right now no, but I have seen Kaitlin Hens Greco (Alliance Therapy) and she was amazing. Had to switch due to her being full and I do not know how long her waitlist is. I am currently seeing Hunter Helsel and she is amazing. I was able to get an appointment right away since someone left, but she did have a waitlist when I originally booked. I believe her waitlist was ~monthish when I made an intake.

edit: Hunter is also very trauma based therapy


noheart120 t1_j0r5bjh wrote

Yes, definitely ask them their preferred type of therapy, their background in that, and if they would be open to exploring and combing different types. CBT and goal oriented were horrible experiences for me. DBT, IFS, and brain-spotting have been life savers though. You maybe also never be "cured" like how a wound would be, but you can be given tools to make it easier in a healthy way.