
t1_j51n27l wrote

Id say look in Ocean County. I grew up in Brick which is exactly what your asking for coves and small houses. It’s a massive town so there’s no vibrant main street with bars and such. Could also look around Forker River, Lacey, or Tuckerton.

I think the taxes and home prices are more reasonable than Monmouth County, but Monmouth may have better nightlife. I’m not certain what you mean by vibrant, if you didn’t mean bars and nightlife.

Atlantic County could be even better on prices too but I’m not the most familiar with it. Cap May county has ocean city, wildwood and cape may too


t1_j34hffj wrote

I just went to Belgium and had some of the greatest beer for like $4.75 a pint at restaurants in Antwerp and Brussels. In Switzerland I got a Brooklyn Lager for $6 a pint, cheaper than in the US. Europe must subsidize and regulate their stuff much differently than New Jersey does, for some obvious economic and touristic reasons, and maybe Brooklyn Lager isn’t the best comparative because it’s a NY beer, but I suppose what I’m getting at is when I want a quality beer in the US I go to the liquor store to buy it. The margins at US bars and restaurants make to too expensive. I can’t even loop breweries into it because they can’t serve food for some dumb reason.

I think when you have beer as your culture, and your very proud of that history and quality of product, you protect it. The US has a large population proud of drinking really shit, cheap beer; meanwhile the “craft beer drinker” is a running joke of white hipsters talking about IPAs with their noses in each other’s asses. Breweries and their patrons get roped into that dumb stigma and so a grand opportunity to have a better quality LOCAL product at a better quality LOCAL establishment gets squashed.

I just want a good pint for a decent price and I want it with a good meal with my friends.


t1_j2es6pn wrote

When I was 11 during the summer we had about 100 kids show up to my neighborhood park (very small park) and fights broke out. I never knew why everyone showed up, but I rode my bike to it cause it was a gathering. Literally no one went to that park ever so it was weird anyone was there. Especially kids from other neighborhoods. It was just a playground and a tennis court. I didn’t think much about the fights cause kids just fight sometimes. No cops showed up, or parents, kids just fought and then everyone ran away lol. No one had cell phones or internet or whatever at the time, I still don’t get how everyone even knew to meet there.

Kids are dumb lol


t1_iuno3tr wrote

I moved here this year from another vastly different spot in NJ. Everyone covered a lot of what you asked so I’ll just add, get a kayak at some point. Lots of beautiful reservoirs and lakes.

There’s lots of hills in Hunterdon so biking and running are a nice challenge.

Electricity is mostly JCP&L who are comparatively worse then the other state alternative PSEG.

If you’re looking for a house, many you find may only be septic, well water, and/or oil heat. Also, it’s good to learn how a water softening system works.

There is a fantastic pet hospital on Rt 22 towards Whitehouse Station if you have pets.

If you find a UPS store near Clinton, please let me know