
redbullrebel t1_ja2m4y9 wrote

yellowjackets? woke crap no thanks

Perry mason season 1 was terrible with this stupid drama shit. so i do not have high hopes for season 2.

Love top chef? why the fuck would i want to watch a show about cooking? i hate cooking myself so no thanks.

never watched you, but seems another of those oh i feel so sorry for the main character kind of bullshit, i wonder how he will survive all this.

in other words i have completely different taste then you. i mean i have good taste and you do not :)

what i am looking for is succession, shadow and bones season 2. Mandalorian, ted lasso, swarm


redbullrebel t1_j9nzgms wrote

as long as there is no advertisements, i will stream, but the moment there will be advertisements in series or movies i will go to high seas. i absolutely hate advertisements. that is what ruined movie watching and series on cable tv. i disliked it when i was young and dislike it when i am older.

even for sports you already pay these expensive prices to watch sports and still we get fucking advertisements!


redbullrebel OP t1_j99pj1s wrote

this is simple.

when i am bored of a conversation or do not find interesting i can look at the background to find different details. i love this with kubrick movies like clock work orange or with the usual suspects. that when you pay good enough attention you can figure out clues. remember star wars episode 3 when E.T. was on the background. there is lots that you can do with background if you actullay want to. i love this in the orginal blade runner as well. there is so much detail in the background.

if your a good director you give people the freedom of choice what they want to see or not. but when you focus only on 2 faces or 2 half bodies and blur our the background complete there is nothing left to see. your destroying the scene. then why not just add a blank screen behind and be done. because in real life when i am bored of a conversation i also start looking around me.


redbullrebel OP t1_j96cxuo wrote

ever heard of evolution? that is what james cameron does. he improve himself constantly. sure he used blur before like in some scenes of terminator 2 for example. but he keeps improving himself, going to the next level where everybody else just stays in the past or worse goes even further behind.

just tell me how much blur or shaky cam is there in avatar 1 and 2?


redbullrebel OP t1_j95kfbe wrote

that is a very bad point. if we would have cars driving on 4 wheels that are square and suddenly someone comes around with round wheels. everybody would think fuck why did we drive 100 years on square wheels. round wheels are so much better. same case with extensive use of blur.

a good director does not need shaky cam or extensive blur to get his point around.

that is why James Cameron is so important. he shows us what is possible if taken the time and commitment. he does not need cheap tricks like extensive motion blur or shaky cam. he is like the tom brady, gretzky, messi, tiger woods of movie making. he is so far ahead of everyone else. and every time i think does no one else understand it? it is not just the special effects, it is the way how he shoots his movies.


redbullrebel OP t1_j957bhh wrote

thank you again for the explanation,

just as you said bad cinematography leads to this. but when you create a 200 million+ dollar movie at least i expect great cinematography. look at for example shape of water from Del Toro.

look how beautiful it is shot. very little blur. so again it is possible. but it simply depends on the director.

another example the chariot race of ben hur a movie of 1959 looks better then modern day movies in terms of cinematography.

just look at that link. there is also some light blur in some scenes which is fine, but most shots are sharp. so if it is possible in 1959 you tell me it is not possible in 2023?

also in animation movies mostly all scenes were sharp, like for example in the movie Akira

however these days we get blurry backgrounds now as well in animation movies. for example in the new mario brothers movie.

you can see mario fighting kong. and i am like why? why do you do that? just because you can should not be the reason why.

if a director chose for a close up shot and blurs out the background fully without any detail left. it is done on purpose. take note that i make a difference between light blur and so much blur you can not see anything anymore from the background. and that is what upsets me, because you on purpose destroy the scene while that is not necessary.

it is the same as you have 2 people standing still and the camera is lightly shaken which lagues so many tv series these days. like andor for example.

and very well i understand depth of field, but that all depends on camera work on how much you want depth of field or not. that is what it comes down too. in the end it is a directors choice.

that is why i firmly believe if your a good director you can let every scene breath and let the viewer decide what they want to watch in the scene.


redbullrebel OP t1_j9128eq wrote

thank you for the long explanation, but in real life, camera or not. everything is sharp. i can look in the middle, i can look outside of it. it is sharp. 3D has nothing to do with that. a movie can be 2D but still feel 3D. for example revenant with leonardo is a good example. it is beautiful shot. foreground sharp, middle ground, background. so it gives an immersive view. even cheap 80ties movies can look very good. i recently watched razorback from 1984 and it looked incredible.

also if you look at for example taxi driver from 1976. it also has little blur on the background sometimes, but also complete sharp shots even when talking or close up shots.

but in new movies there is something else. the background blur is way to excessive. maybe it has to do with the SFX shots. because no detail is of course faster and easier to make. also compression for streaming movies get less in size. how less detail how less size the movie or series takes. so streaming costs and HD space goes down.

there is definitely something going on, because those big budget movies still take a lot of money to make, yet you see it less and less on screen.


redbullrebel OP t1_j75z9zn wrote

come on. nothing made sense. the whole script was just horrible. they defied reality as much as steven seagal does in his movies. that whole hitler plot was just dumb as hell. the trial was even worse. i do not mind it is not historical accurate, but at least come up with a convincing script that leads to that point. the whole action scene when raiding the compound was just as bad as a steven seagal movie. completely void of any reality at all. same for when hitler escaped.

i actually wonder if the trial of hitler was to be compared to the real trial that happened of Ivan the terrible. this was the first and only trial in Israel which was public and where ivan was defended by a jew as well, but actually walked free, because they could not convince the court that the person they had, was actually ivan.


redbullrebel t1_j6mof0r wrote

why insane?

just asking for facts. 4 episodes released so far. how many broken bad white men have been the murders. that is all i ask. i actually predicted around a month ago the same thing and now that it has been released i like to know if i am right, just based on the trailers.

i like to know if i can simply base a murder on the prediction of producers, directors etc that are involved, without having watch a single episode, because that is how far american writing has fallen. it is no longer about the who done it, but the drama surrounding it.


redbullrebel t1_j6ma4wa wrote

i just like to know if my prediction so far is true.

how many white bad men have been the murderer?

and if was not a bad white man, but someone else, then i expect at least that a white man was the problem, like he raped someone or exploited people for monetary gains, therefor the killing was justified in the viewers mind.

so how far did i do i have not watched any episode yet.


redbullrebel OP t1_j1zbgd0 wrote

that is why i switched over to korean shows. their shows are very deep. sometimes to much drama, but story wise they really know how to keep you engaged. also not many are easy to predict as well, which i really like.

flight attendant was just bad. wednesday i figured out the first part at episode 4 at episode 6 i had it all figured out. it was a good show though. i liked it much more then i thought. but you are right it follows a pattern.