
t1_jefw1p2 wrote

They need to be checking constantly if the audio is on and if the levels are OK. They often push a mute button when their mom calls and then forget that they're muted, so instead of making a silent stream, they can hear their voice missing and fix it. They're live mixing stuff like music, game sound, their own voice and other sound effects, so they need to make sure that they're all at the right volume.

Basically headphones are the same thing like looking at the screen. That's why we call them monitors. You can't use speakers for that because the microphone picks them and it makes feedback.

If you want to stream but don't want to have big headphones, you can still use in ear monitors like musicians do on stage.


t1_jediyzf wrote

HD560s is not very high-ohmic. It's in the middle. It's definitely not designed for high impedance outputs. 120 ohm or (whatever it has) is around the output of many of those headphone outs. Also the HD500 line has been 50ohm since I remember.

Portable amps with automatic gain read HD560s as a low impedance load.


t1_jecuy3u wrote

Reply to comment by in I dropped my Edition XS. by

With Americans it's a difficult topic, but many people around the world get their great deals by repairing broken equipment. I got some killer cans this way. With my starving student money I wouldn't even afford the stuff that's considered budget here.


t1_je99107 wrote

Reply to HD599 SE by

Nothing wrong with it and it's alright at this price. HD560s are a bit more expensive. It's the same headphone but tuned better. HD599 benefit from EQ. There is an autoEQ profile for them in Equaliser Apo that extends the lows and highs.


t1_je8vikz wrote

I'm not sure, but it looks like this headphone uses the same or at least similar driver to K518 DJ, which would make sense because it's not precise with bass. That headphone sounds warmer than you'd assume from the graph.

That said Sonys should be quite a bit bassier. K361s only bloat in the subbass (if your pair is normal). They famously lack clarity and detail, but bass should not be terrible. Maybe EQ the subbass out and see if that helps.


t1_je7jdja wrote

I think we can all agree that Vido is cheap.

>Beyerdynamic DT990 or Hifiman HE400SE (or HE 4XX) or Sennheiser HD560 They should all be like $100-150 or so.

I think this is a great starting point, because this is the first price bracket where headphones feel special. They check boxes and give you some extra. For many people this is all the sound quality they'll ever need or want and if they are curious, they can still upgrade to more accurate cans.


t1_je70925 wrote

I don't know, but it doesn't matter that much. You get a Koss anyway and then you swap parts in it until it's a different headphone. It's like Lego. The parts are interchangeable. If you go to r/headphonemods and scroll a little, you'll see people's builds.


t1_je6tx4m wrote

We regularly have keyboard people here for some reason. I watched one episode of headphone podcast and like one third of it was about keyboards. Have you got your Koss headphones yet?

We recommed EQ Apo with AutoEQ for everyone so that they can try Harman target, which sounds like good pair of speakers.

We recommend gamers to ditch their gaming headphones and get audiophile headphones with a V-moda microphone.

We get our expensive audiophile headphones from bin stores for $8 thanks to our wives.