
t1_jd4abz7 wrote

Lol alright man whatever you say. You obviously don't see the risk even though its screwing individuals over. Keep complaining about the system while nothing will happen because your frustration is directed at the wrong thing. And yeah lets have local governments and NGOs own land, I'm sure you've thoroughly researched market economies to know that would surely work.


t1_jd3mspw wrote

Why would you put the responsibility on the landlord to sell their home rather than the system that sets it up this way? How do you know landlords dont work also? You do realize that rental properties barely make an income stream until they're fully paid off right? You most likely don't have any experience with landlords or properties and are going off the typical reddit landlords are bad circlejerk


t1_j6nl2cv wrote

Chickens weigh an average of 7.5 pounds and lets assume they can generate enough lift to barely get off the ground so lift = weight = 7.5 pounds

The cost of chicken is around $1.50 per pound in Chicago. So homegirl stole approximately 1 million pounds of chicken or 133,333 chickens.

1 million pounds of chicken equals 1 million pounds of lift force. So she stole enough chickens to lift several M1 Abrams tanks. Puts into perspective just how much she stole. Or puts into perspective that chicken powered flight would be cheap af.