snash222 t1_jasc7kx wrote
Reply to comment by Adventurous-Quote180 in [OC] Wikipedia Edits by Day, 2001–2010 by ptgorman
It is just an assumption of mine. It was worldwide, and left a lot of people out of work with time on their hands.
snash222 t1_jarkewz wrote
Reply to comment by ptgorman in [OC] Wikipedia Edits by Day, 2001–2010 by ptgorman
Interesting chart, I assume 2007 or so is due to the financial collapse. Why doesn’t the chart continue to the present day? It would be interesting to see COVID lockdown timeframes.
snash222 t1_jaim4nx wrote
Reply to [OC] Real minimum wages 2021 by Klutzy_Ambition5445
It would be interesting to see this adjusted for the tax rate (VAT, Sales Tax, Income Tax) for those on minimum wage.
snash222 t1_jaakqye wrote
snash222 t1_jaakdmb wrote
Would a science paper ever say “a billion percent”?
snash222 t1_ja5ac5f wrote
Reply to comment by cnash in ELI5: Why are native Australians called Aboriginals when in English the prefix "a" usually means "not"- ex Abnormal, atypical, etc? by Invisible_Swan
Abby? Abby Normal?
snash222 t1_ja51l5v wrote
Reply to comment by gmtime in ELi5: How do those metal bits on the handles of cardio equipment measure your heart rate through your hands? by Sea-Neighborhood729
But it works while jogging? How does it manage to find the pulse amidst the constant changes of pressure?
snash222 t1_j9wrfci wrote
Reply to comment by puppersandcoffee in ELI5: Why do major and minor keys evoke different emotional responses? by BluePrimulus
I recall reading that on some cultures it is reversed.
snash222 t1_j9vrypy wrote
Reply to comment by DNathanHilliard in why should the heigh of astronaut matter 🤔 by Ok-Medium-1853
Certainly not the place for a tall story.
snash222 t1_j8gq8dl wrote
Reply to comment by Practical-Mix-4332 in What if AI companies are using our prompts to create low-resolution models of our entire identities? by roiseeker
Yes, until I’ve had a few shots of rum.
snash222 t1_j8gl66f wrote
Reply to What if AI companies are using our prompts to create low-resolution models of our entire identities? by roiseeker
I think it would be cool to have an AI parrot version of myself.
snash222 t1_j68d7q3 wrote
Reply to comment by chris_p_bacon1 in ELI5: Is aluminum common enough that it’s not a concern, or are we just really good at recycling it? by RestrictedCervical
Yeah, I don’t know what I’m talking about. Just sounded good to me at the time.
snash222 t1_j65o2ct wrote
Reply to comment by GandalfSwagOff in ELI5: Is aluminum common enough that it’s not a concern, or are we just really good at recycling it? by RestrictedCervical
Aluminum is an element. The aluminum stays aluminum forever. You may have some “loss” by having it drip out of a melting vessel or something like that, but 100% of the aluminum still exists. Just sweep it up when it cools and put it in the next batch.
snash222 t1_j3rntk2 wrote
Does that combine B+ and B-?
snash222 t1_j2fhmi9 wrote
Reply to comment by catscausetornadoes in ELI5: What makes the rust on a rusty nail different from the rust on shaving razors to where one needs an immediate tetanus shot and the other happens daily by DrySyllabub2563
So non-rusty nails in people’s heads is ok?
snash222 t1_j25dqoi wrote
Reply to comment by RangerBumble in A beautiful day in Centerville, Washington [OC] [4000 x 2670] by CodyChrome
Yeah, lack of shadows anywhere.
snash222 t1_j1z2jcu wrote
Reply to Life is a game we play without ever knowing the rules: Camus, absurdist fiction, and the paradoxes of existence. by IAI_Admin
> And paradoxically, this collective experience of absurdity becomes a form of tenuous meaning.
Self circular, and absurd. Yet if no other meaning exists, why not be nice and make others absurdity more pleasant.
snash222 t1_j1eaqcq wrote
Reply to Narcissistic tendencies moderate the association between testosterone levels and generosity in men by chrisdh79
Isn’t generosity negatively correlated with narcissism? How did they find generous narcissists?
snash222 t1_j1bzgdz wrote
Reply to comment by Argikeraunos in Why is this sub so luddite now ? by Shelfrock77
The nineties are going to make the seventies look like the fifties.
snash222 t1_j1bzc1i wrote
Reply to comment by PokketMowse in Why is this sub so luddite now ? by Shelfrock77
Got me laughing.
snash222 t1_j124wey wrote
Reply to comment by localman214 in LPT - screen shot photos to send to your boss to call out of work by Dull_Lavishness7701
If the sun is wrong you can just “mirror” the image so morning looks like afternoon and vice versa.
snash222 t1_j123wxr wrote
Reply to Does anyone feel trapped here by vapournova
snash222 t1_j0gcu6n wrote
Reply to Cellular agriculture and other emerging food technologies could release 80% of the worlds farm land currently used for meat and dairy production back to nature by DannyMcDanface1
I wonder what percent of farmland in the US is devoted to wasteful ethanol production.
snash222 t1_j0gcpcv wrote
Don’t the Germans have anything else to talk about besides the US pandemic?
snash222 t1_jbzx8nl wrote
Reply to [OC] Heatmap of my all-purpose school notebook by MrGuccu
All work and no play makes Johnny a dull boy?