
snorkleface t1_jeg3m0y wrote

I took an almost 50% paycut to get out of restaurant management and into the corporate world. Now I make 3x what I did in restaurants for half the hours.

However, I was at a point in my life where I could afford that. I realistically couldn't just drop my pay in half today and be fine.


snorkleface t1_ja886c8 wrote

It's not the same food coming out. Eating a specific triggering thing (or just a large amount of something) makes the body empty whatevers sitting near the bottom of your tract. So the food you ate 8 hours ago is what shows up 10 minutes after eating ghost pepper hot sauce.


snorkleface OP t1_j5jsvqq wrote

You're right, I built this for myself originally not intending for anyone else to see it.

The x-axis is labeled its just hard to see. It's called a "continuous axis" vs a "categorical" one. Categorical shows each data point (in this case a single day). Continuous auto-adjusts to show only the big-picture metric over time.

In other words, what my weight was on December 27th isn't important. What is important is my trend over time. Hope that makes sense.


snorkleface OP t1_j5jgykc wrote

Thank you! Depends how you interpret the chart haha, there's a lot of up and down swings.

I track every day to increase data accuracy and to keep myself accountable. But even if my day to days varied a lot, I tried to stick to the magic 0.5-1lb loss per week on average.


snorkleface OP t1_j5jenzl wrote

Source: I weighed myself every day, logged into Excel

Tool: Excel into Power BI for visualizations

I used a 3-day rolling average as my primary metric to smooth out the high variability day to day. While I hit my goal a few times on a single day, I only considered my goal met when the 3 day rolling number hit the line.

Starting a weight loss journey around the holidays is tough, but not impossible. You can see some of the big upswings when viewing at the week level are all around the big holidays and weekends where we had holiday "stuff" going on (eating and drinking a lot). Week 11 started the Monday after Christmas, the only WoW increase in weight up until that point.

Another interesting, but maybe not surprising, datapoint is my average by day. Mondays are always my heaviest (coming off of the weekend) and Thursdays are always my lightest (coming off Mon-Wed of healthy eating and exercise). By this logic Fridays should be my lightest, but about half the time I give up by Thursday night and have some wings and beer.