
squanchingonreddit t1_j92clre wrote

Just planting trees won't help. They need to actually survive, and once they die, they release the lions share of CO² back into the air. We need long term sequestration like this. We actually have to if we want to prevent a +2°C world.


squanchingonreddit t1_j92b96f wrote

Mass timber buildings. They're the future. All wood or mostly wood. The large timber actually burn very slowly and give ample time to escape the building. It's much better than steel that just collapses when heated.


squanchingonreddit t1_izf68nu wrote

The American Chestnut fairs much better than others in America this study doesn't even look into them.

While climate change will push their range north that means they will be able to be grown in Canada along with much of their historical range.

Also they have larger nuts and bigger crops than the Chinese Chestnut. So it's quite exciting for the future.