
stonehawk61 t1_jcxkp8x wrote

Yes I would remove the sheetrock with tile attached. Much easier for demo and replacement. The amount of effort required repair the nasty mess of holes and rough surfaces while maybe not a daunting task, would likely result in an uneven finish causing your new tile to bulge and ripple.


stonehawk61 t1_j0yzlwl wrote

Unemployment compensation for many is not a "good time", but more of a stop gap measure and as such is considered a necessary portion of yearly income. I work in a trade where the jobs are somewhat seasonal, of short duration and at times comprise of emergent contingencies where a ready pool of skilled workers are required to maintain and service critical infrastructure. Lay-offs are frequent and at times lengthy, but are also an accepted condition of employment given the pay and benefit package. Perhaps you shouldn't be sitting on your brain, exposing you biased notions, spewing your ignorance, while adding no value to the topic, and judging others from your ivory white tower.


stonehawk61 OP t1_j09y6r5 wrote

You have in no way refuted the arguments I've presented. Your unsubstantiated claim that the books and authors I posted were unreliable because they were written by pale skins (your racism highlights your ignorance) is conclusively disingenuous by definition. Once again, and I can't stress this enough, I NEVER said there weren't any native populations in this area. Those were your words, perniciously misrepresented from my comment, with which you then felt justified in using to discount my statement and call into question my knowledge on a subject to which I have devoted nearly 40 years of my life. You are most assuredly out of your league. Additionally, recalling another commenters post as a gotcha moment, by linking to a tribal distribution map (probably drawn and published by pale skins, again your words) is without substance and is inherently ineffective in the defense of your pathetic comments, solely because you have yet to definitively demonstrate how and where I stated there were no natives. Only then would its inclusion add credence to your assertion.
Ultimately, I have to question your ability to reach a logical conclusion or to present a coherent claim, when the comprehension of 2 simple sentences is beyond your grasp. I still recommend you read more books (written only by native authors of course, as your biases require). I would however, suggest you start with the dictionary.
Ps; I wonder, exactly how is it that have you concluded that I'm not of native descent?


stonehawk61 OP t1_j06x8by wrote

Let me help you out.
Wennawoods Publishing A History of the Indian Villages and Place Names in Pennsylvania by George Patterson.
Indian Wars of Pennsylvania by C. Hale Sipe
The Indian Chiefs of Pennsylvania : The Story of the Part Played by the American Indian in Pennsylvania History by C. Hale Sipe.
Need more? I've read them all and then some. Each more in depth than a quick Google search.
Edit for spelling


stonehawk61 OP t1_j06ny40 wrote

So "native activity" is bereft of and is not in any way associative to or indicative of a culture or a population?! Got it! Thanks for clearing that up! Cahokia, Chichén-Itzá, Tenochtitlan, Echota or any number of Central or South American population centers would be by my ignorant, ill informed definition, hotbeds of native habitation. Perhaps given your hours of extensive research and vast knowledge of the histories, population levels and cultures of the tribes of Western Pennsylvania, you should easily be able to provide us with a list of comparable sites.