
svedge_weed OP t1_j6jiedy wrote

You're the first person I talk to that gives me a meaningful and nice vision of religion. And i live in Italy, where everyone's a Christian... And yeah unfortunately you're right, church gas nothing to do with God, for me church is on the same level of any government, saying good things and doing bad, just to get richer and more powerful. I never believed in 'God' for who they told me he is, but yeah it's like we all have an inner God that makes us know what's good and what's not. That's exactly Socrate's demon: he couldn't call It God because Gods were Zeus and all of them, so he logically called It a demon. But the 'demon' was the only One he listened to. The good One. Loved talking to you man.


svedge_weed OP t1_j67q4zt wrote

Brother! It feels like you read my mind to write this😂 did you watch "The Tenant" fron Polanski? It really explains well what you said about not being a phisical creature. Yeah i get what you mean, the God you talk about is like Socrate's demon, isn't it? Thank you for answering


svedge_weed OP t1_j5szfjr wrote

Reply to comment by EditaPita in I need a reason [Text] by svedge_weed

Who said you couldn't be helpful? Knowing one isn't alone in something is a big big help! Also i have had many good answers to this post so i recommend you check some of them out. Also if you wanna talk I'm always available, just send a DM. Wish you all the best


svedge_weed OP t1_j5r9aq4 wrote

Reply to comment by [deleted] in I need a reason [Text] by svedge_weed

I think everyone feels like that sometimes in their lives. But think at it, wouldn't it be a waste? Like hey we're here and we have the chance to do good, so why not? I know everything feels pointless in that state of mind but already talking about this as a problem is a sign that we have some will to get over this, and that we're not gonna give up, so try giving this feeling all of your energy. We'll find our way brother! Until then let's just walk and enjoy the journey


svedge_weed OP t1_j5qvrll wrote

This is such a deep thought, thank you so much. Yeah the world isn't the best but it is what it is, so all we can do is do good hoping others will see the good and try to do it too. And to do that i have to try and do things, then if i truly listen to myself i know if I'm doing good or bad. I want to thank you again for your comment, i will keep it in my heart.

"All i have of myself isn't worth a piece of what you have of myself" said an Italian song, now i understand it. We are worth what we leave to others


svedge_weed OP t1_j5qcn13 wrote

Thanks for this. Actually an LSD trip i had on September is what made me realize I was in this condition of numbness. I'll try working out or finding a sport i like because i think it makes you feel better in both body and mind. And yeah I recently started to open up more and more to friends and my friendships are improving, like i feel more connected to them.


svedge_weed OP t1_j5q1sj2 wrote

I will look for that book. And yeah what you say about values is true. I thought about that during an acid trip in September. I understood i wasn't living for what I liked and that's what led me to having nothing to live for, because i didn't even know what i valued. I guess i have to find the things I really care about and that's gonna be the turning point. Thanks bro


svedge_weed OP t1_j5pksrh wrote

>It's not egotistical to want to live a happy life. As soon as I read it it made sense to me but who knows why I always thought the opposite. You are right it is not wrong to want that. And yeah helping others has always made me feel good so I'm gonna keep on doing that for sure