tech1010 t1_jdvlhnu wrote
Reply to There’s a large ballon over us lakes region area. Everyone is saying spy drone by [deleted]
Maybe they’re spying if any ski mountains still have snow 🤣
tech1010 t1_jbeci9t wrote
Reply to TIL about Ona Judge, enslaved by George and Martha Washington. She escaped to Portsmouth and was relentlessly sought by the Washingtons for years. by buckao
Wow didn’t know this. Going to have to learn more about her.
The way people used to write was so funny: “much freckled” “middle stature” “delicately formed”.
tech1010 t1_j64y8gy wrote
Reply to comment by asuds in Hudson, NH woman found guilty on charges related to Capitol attack by rabblebowser
Indeed it does! I still love you
tech1010 t1_j64v5fj wrote
Reply to comment by asuds in Hudson, NH woman found guilty on charges related to Capitol attack by rabblebowser
I don’t really give a fuck about you, but you raised the topic so there goes
tech1010 t1_j649lsz wrote
Reply to comment by asuds in Hudson, NH woman found guilty on charges related to Capitol attack by rabblebowser
It was more “mostly peaceful” than the protests for the druggy George Floyd were by several orders of magnitude.
My iq is 142, thank you for your concern though.
tech1010 t1_j63m069 wrote
How dare she go on a 90 minute meandering around the capital wearing a US flag after being let in by capital police.
Threat to democracy.
tech1010 t1_j2z0g6f wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in NH blueberries need cold winters. Climate change threatens them. by rabblebowser
There's a famous saying -- if you believe what you're saying then put your money where your mouth is.
The fact that all the big doomsday predictors have bought/built massive oceanfront estates says all you need to know.
tech1010 t1_j2z06nf wrote
Reply to comment by rudyattitudedee in NH blueberries need cold winters. Climate change threatens them. by rabblebowser
How much do you think is due to warmer winters versus problems with the native pollinator (bumblebees).
tech1010 t1_j2xvdfg wrote
This article is total nonsense. I’ve been growing blueberries for 10+ years.
NJ is one of the largest blueberry producing states and their avg winter temp is much warmer than NH.
We’d have to be Georgia/Florida levels of warm for them to not get enough chill hours.
tech1010 t1_j1jdtry wrote
Reply to Just a friendly reminder by b3_yourself
I just take a swig of my bud light and plow on thru the light (with no seatbelt on of course).
tech1010 t1_j0y0322 wrote
Reply to comment by PropDevRookNH in Looking to connect with NH real estate development professionals by PropDevRookNH
You just won buzzword bingo
tech1010 t1_j043ci4 wrote
Reply to comment by LackSufficient7852 in Do Not Buy a House in Brookline! There is no water by LackSufficient7852
1000 feet is super deep already, might just be really bad luck that there wasn't enough rain and snowmelt in the area to replenish the aquifers, and you could be perfectly fine next year.
What are you doing now, did you get a water tank ?
tech1010 t1_izf5os0 wrote
Reply to comment by donkeyduplex in Lots of cheap houses for sale in Berlin NH. Is there a reason I don't want to live there? I can understand if no jobs (I can work remotely). Any other reasons? Also how is the rental market? I'm asking because there are inexpensive multi units for sale. by RedLeafRoy
I'm sure there other ways, but none are as fun!
tech1010 t1_izew646 wrote
Reply to comment by donkeyduplex in Lots of cheap houses for sale in Berlin NH. Is there a reason I don't want to live there? I can understand if no jobs (I can work remotely). Any other reasons? Also how is the rental market? I'm asking because there are inexpensive multi units for sale. by RedLeafRoy
I love driving my snowmobile to Walmart while high on heroin!
tech1010 t1_iz2o3gr wrote
Reply to New personal record! Mowed my yard on December 5th. I hope my neighbors enjoy the free entertainment by ReauxChambeaux
I think November 2018 we had like 3 or 4 feet of total snowfall. This year and last year seemed super mild.
tech1010 t1_ixs0g4x wrote
Reply to comment by Ok_Nobody4967 in Nashua Soup Kitchen receives $1.25 million grant from Bezos fund. What do you all think of this? by Environmental3rdEye
Nope I’m not, just a student of how the world works
tech1010 t1_ixrivqa wrote
Reply to comment by Ok_Nobody4967 in Nashua Soup Kitchen receives $1.25 million grant from Bezos fund. What do you all think of this? by Environmental3rdEye
Collusion to set wages never works in practice because any upstart that wants to steal talent will pay higher wages (e.g. Costco has always paid much higher entry level wages). Federal minimum wage should be $0.
tech1010 t1_ixq9xk5 wrote
Reply to Dispensaries open on thanksgiving by Shawndon457
Lmao can’t make this shit up
tech1010 t1_ixoh3qe wrote
Reply to comment by picklehaub in How much water do you use per person per day? by movdqa
Wow almost seems like you should get a 2nd dishwasher to keep it going!!
What brand did you get?
tech1010 t1_ixo9s0l wrote
Reply to comment by picklehaub in How much water do you use per person per day? by movdqa
8 runs of the dishwasher per week? Wow
tech1010 t1_ixo9k6b wrote
Reply to comment by warren_stupidity in Nashua Soup Kitchen receives $1.25 million grant from Bezos fund. What do you all think of this? by Environmental3rdEye
As awful as Bezos is as a person (supporting all sorts of wacky left wing nut job causes), Amazon is fantastic.
tech1010 t1_ixo9gbm wrote
Reply to comment by Ok_Nobody4967 in Nashua Soup Kitchen receives $1.25 million grant from Bezos fund. What do you all think of this? by Environmental3rdEye
Bezos pays exactly what the market demands, not a penny more, not a penny less.
If the wages paid were insufficient then no one would show up to work.
tech1010 t1_ix8e057 wrote
Reply to comment by hopefully-a-good-buy in 3 NH Fish & Game SAR Teams Searching for Overdue Hiker by agent_tits
It was six degrees Fahrenheit over night, unfortunately.
tech1010 t1_je359pd wrote
Reply to Grave from 1682 in Portsmouth by Boats_are_fun
The old artistic styles they used to use are so cool