
thin_white_dutchess t1_je50grc wrote

I had to have a procedure and the anesthesiologist looked just like rob lowe. They couldn’t find a vein and my pulse was racing, so the nurse was trying to calm me down and told me to just “look at the anesthesiologist’s baby blues, that usually calms down the ladies!” I shouted out- “hell no! Rob Lowe is creepy!” I don’t know what was wrong with me (well, I do, I spent way too much time in hospitals as a kid and have hospital anxiety). Luckily, he thought it was hilarious. They eventually got the IV in and all was fine. I apologized later, on painkillers and assured him he was very handsome. I’m a moron.


thin_white_dutchess t1_it35dma wrote

Apply for the disability. You will most likely get denied- that’s (unfortunately) how it works. Appeal. Apply for snap. Look for food pantries in your area. That’s why they are there. Also, some therapists offer a sliding scale payment option. Call around.