
tonytroz t1_jaaeyvc wrote

>If he was being pushed to run just to secure a seat and not because of any personal ambition or sense of service, wouldn’t he have already retired and allowed the governor to choose a replacement?

No that would be an absolute disaster. The governor doesn't choose a replacement for the next 6 years. They just select a replacement until a special election this November. It would give the GOP a do-over with a better candidate against what would likely be Lamb who already lost the primary.

With Sinema leaving the Democratic party that means the Democrats could theoretically lose control of the Senate (should Sinema change who she caucuses with) in a year that wouldn't normally be possible. That would be mayhem for Biden's reelection campaign and absolute chaos if a liberal Supreme Court Justice died or retired next year.


tonytroz t1_j6od0pw wrote

Taxes are based off the assessment which is based off sales price so what others are paying in your neighborhood doesn’t really work against you.

By abusing the homestead exemption they’re taking money away from the local government which funds resources you might use like firemen, roads, etc.


tonytroz t1_isxjc4b wrote

And good luck with all the extra time for parts and labor due to short staff even when you do get in.

We hit one a week before Christmas last year. Nearly totaled it even though it was only body damage and it wasn’t legally drivable. Didn’t get the car back for over 6 weeks and that’s only because we were able to get in early due to a cancellation. The car insurance only covered a rental car for 30 days so I had to drive my wife to work for a couple weeks.