
toss_it_out_tomorrow t1_j0os7mi wrote

Prior to covid, we wore masks in hospitals if someone came in coughing because TB is extremely contagious, as is measles, as is chickenpox (for those who may not have had prior infection or vaccination) and precautions are extremely important.

Masks protect people from respiratory viruses as well as a myriad of other things.


toss_it_out_tomorrow t1_ivda5wz wrote

Reply to comment by Bass_is_UVBlue in Thank yous by shaneroneill

Yep, that's totally true. I was a seriously bad teenager and I still never did shit like this. I grew up in a neighborhood that slowly started going bad and looking worse and worse every single day and it made me so mad. I would never destroy something pretty no matter how much of an asshole teen I was.