
tuckeram7 t1_jdz7dav wrote

My family was able to afford our first home in Middletown due to this, lowering the value of the houses. So… thanks? Also still not sure if my family has been affected physically but might explain me and my quirks.


tuckeram7 t1_jc3dfm7 wrote

Yeah, sounds like they are missing the whole point. You’re not looking for childcare. You’re breastfeeding your baby, not pumping. End discussion. I really hope you hear back some good news. You don’t need added stress right now. Honestly, breastfeeding is one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. I’d rather have labor 10 times again in place of the stresses of breastfeeding. (And my labor was 21hrs long)


tuckeram7 t1_jc38h13 wrote

Can you give more details about the conversation? I don’t understand how they expect you to do this. I was 9months pregnant and got a summons. I was planning on mailing back my excuse with the box checked for breastfeeding mother, but went into labor before mailing it back so I missed the window to mail it. When I went home, I mailed it and was excused. I honestly wanted to be a juror but not with a baby! It’s not for lack of place to pump either. It’s the trying to breastfeed on baby’s schedule, not the court’s. Clearly this person you had to interact with is not a parent.


tuckeram7 t1_j8n66i9 wrote

What field of work are you and your fiancé in? You should search for job market things first so you can afford the location you choose. People try to move to areas with good schools and the price to live in the area is usually higher. If you’re both working fully remote, then it doesn’t matter at all. Zillow has a school rating system. (it’s not always accurate, but helps when searching as large of an area as you are) If you’re looking for hiking and outdoor activities, look around the Appalachian trail and along rivers like the Susquehanna. North/West of Harrisburg is pretty good for things like that and you can make the truck to the ‘Burg for important things or even work. There’s a lot of state jobs in the area.