vernes1978 t1_jdzav25 wrote
Reply to comment by EnomLee in The goalposts for "I'll believe it's real AI when..." have moved to "literally duplicate Einstein" by Yuli-Ban
I only take issue with people trying to build a stable for their car instead of a garage because they feel bad for it.
And are trying to berate me for not acknoledging the feelings the car might have for being put in a cold garage.
Although I must admit that the aesthetics of a feathered plane might look bitch'n, I refuse to bring birdseed with me on a flight.
Because it's a machine, it's a tool. It's a pattern juggler of words of the highest degree.
But it expresses found commonalities it has been fed.
It's a mirror and a sifter of zettabytes of stories and facts.
But there is a loved narrative here that these tools are persons, and they are expressed by people who use the chatGPT in a way that steers the tool to this prevered conclusion.
And this is easy, because of all the data and stories that have been fed into the tool, stories about AI being persons are part of it.
So It will generate the text that fits this query.
Because we told it how to.
vernes1978 t1_jdwa6v2 wrote
Reply to comment by arxtrooper in Story Compass of AI in Pop Culture by roomjosh
Transcendence is about humanity so stuck in certain tropes they'd rather nuke the entire planet then to accept that the man they uploaded into the AI framework is still the man they uploaded into the AI framework.
> We've tried talking him out of fixing problems and he keeps responding in dialogue and keeps fixing problems.
So naturally we had to destroy our entire technological progress back to the steam-age.
vernes1978 t1_jduyhfq wrote
Reply to comment by roomjosh in Story Compass of AI in Pop Culture by roomjosh
So, according to CHATGPT, the AI PINN becomes malevolent, and as a result of this, merges with the mind of Dr. Will Caster.
Like TFenrir, I remember the choice of merging wasn't one made by PINN, but by his Wife.
So, do we tell people like TFenrir they're wrong?
Or fact check the stuff ChatGPT spits out?
I'd put Transcendence under Cautionary Good.
It's where we're unable to accept anything uploaded as the person itself.
Which isn't a problem if it's literately a person controlling a single speaker.
But it becomes a disaster when it's a mindupload with the capacity of growth of an AI.
Unable to accept it's the person but instead an uncaring AI, any growth is seen as a threat.
The Evil AI was always a projection of the observers.
vernes1978 t1_jasc3er wrote
Reply to comment by TheAnonFeels in Figure: One robot for every human on the planet. by GodOfThunder101
A robot can't be coerced into a destructive effort to go beyond it's limit.
The thing about biologic employees is that biologic creatures have so much buffer you can destroy for that extra bit of profit.
While a robot already gives exactly 100% and has zero buffer to go beyond because then it catches fire and needs to be repaired by the owner while an human gets sick and because it's not your property, can be fired and replaced by the next human you lied to about the working conditions.
Humans are a hilariously cheaper workforce then robots.
vernes1978 t1_jar48jk wrote
Reply to comment by IluvBsissa in Figure: One robot for every human on the planet. by GodOfThunder101
We already have CRISPR, why do we still have genetic illnesses?
How old is nuclear power now?
Where is my consumer-version reactor?
Time does not fuel progress.
Economics does.
And as long as it's still economically interesting to charge exorbitant prices for elderly people to receive basic care, there is no way any company will invest in these robots.
Every scifi dream ignores kapitalism, economics and just plain old greed.
vernes1978 t1_jaqiibn wrote
Critics: That's not even remotely feasible.
Fans: You can't predict technological progress!
Twitter: Here's what the future will look like: Robot for every human.
Also Fans: Correct.
What I find the funniest comparison is reading about people dying because insulin is made too expensive to afford but we're convinced every human will get a fully functional humanoid robot.
vernes1978 t1_ja8fsi0 wrote
Reply to comment by FTRFNK in Singularity claims its first victim: the anime industry by Ok_Sea_6214
Yeah but you want to keep them reading your arguments until THEY run out of arguments, and start the personal attacks.
vernes1978 t1_ja77kig wrote
Great for youtube productions.
Those who have eaten Ghibli anime do not share you enthusiasm.
(I can't believe I typed enthusiasm correctly in one go)
vernes1978 t1_ja7758c wrote
Reply to comment by Emory_C in Singularity claims its first victim: the anime industry by Ok_Sea_6214
Try to avoid personal attacks.
vernes1978 t1_j99uaal wrote
This is why there is so much hopium being generated around AGI.
> I hope ASI will focus very heavily on anything that helps it detect and possibly avoid any superior hostile Aliens that may be out there.
This is why there is so much fanfiction being generated.
It's a screeching desire that AGI is going to fix all of our shit.
And any argument on the contrary is disregarded.
Kinda like religious people believing they can either pray the bad away, or hoping rapture will fix everything in the end.
Which means we don't have to do anything right now.
We don't have to switch to expensive alternatives to save the planet.
Any minute AGI will come and fix everything.
aaany minute now....
vernes1978 t1_j6hhr5u wrote
Reply to comment by brihamedit in ChatGPT creator Sam Altman visits Washington to meet lawmakers | In the meetings, Altman told policymakers that OpenAI is on the path to creating “artificial general intelligence,” by Buck-Nasty
> What people mean though when they say AI is they mean an artificial being with sense of self.
I could claim that when people say "the world" they mean America.
But I'd be describing a small subgroup of people.
You are talking about a small subgroup of people.
vernes1978 t1_j6hhlei wrote
Reply to comment by just_thisGuy in ChatGPT creator Sam Altman visits Washington to meet lawmakers | In the meetings, Altman told policymakers that OpenAI is on the path to creating “artificial general intelligence,” by Buck-Nasty
It's created to make money.
vernes1978 t1_j6hh6pg wrote
Reply to comment by DukkyDrake in ChatGPT creator Sam Altman visits Washington to meet lawmakers | In the meetings, Altman told policymakers that OpenAI is on the path to creating “artificial general intelligence,” by Buck-Nasty
Kinda redundant statement for any experimental tech.
This also fits for any fusion project.
vernes1978 t1_j6bc915 wrote
Reply to I’m ready by CassidyHouse
if this wasn't posted here I'd think you were telling us you were homeless and on acid.
vernes1978 t1_j5y89dz wrote
Reply to comment by 28nov2022 in Humanity May Reach Singularity Within Just 7 Years, Trend Shows by Shelfrock77
> Stop I can only get so erect
But hey, at least this sub isn't about a shared fanfiction.
vernes1978 t1_j5y84ep wrote
naysayers: AGI is not going to spontaneously spawn into existence.
singularity: You can't predict the progress of technology!
also singularity: In 7 years singularity is reached!
vernes1978 t1_j5szr6r wrote
Reply to comment by ImoJenny in The Next Generation of Humans: Nanobots by crua9
What is your evidence?
edit: regardless, the article is badly written.
vernes1978 t1_j5sz1en wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in This subreddit has seen the largest increase of users in the last 2 months, gaining nearly 30k people since the end of November by _dekappatated
At this rate, by 2045 we'll reach sentience.
vernes1978 t1_j4pa72y wrote
Reply to comment by turnip_burrito in Researchers develop an artificial neuron closely mimicking the characteristics of a biological neuron by MichaelTen
Never heard of it before.
I'll remember it next time.
vernes1978 t1_j4p5jwr wrote
Reply to comment by turnip_burrito in Researchers develop an artificial neuron closely mimicking the characteristics of a biological neuron by MichaelTen
I never get an counter argument if I plainly call people out.
You need to show genuine interest to even get a grain of effort from their side.
After they horked over the link, you slap them around using arguments you pulled from their source.
vernes1978 t1_j4n92mf wrote
Reply to comment by Hazzman in Researchers develop an artificial neuron closely mimicking the characteristics of a biological neuron by MichaelTen
First time I heard something like this described.
Could you link me something on the subject?
I tried googling it but it keeps thinking I must be mispelling Salazar's Pit and shows me D&D articles.
vernes1978 t1_j1wwpyq wrote
Reply to Found this the other day on newsstands by LevelWriting
...for a given value of "entirely".
Along with headlines like "Did the queen have relationship with extraterrestrials? Find out inside!"
vernes1978 t1_j1lq3zn wrote
Reply to comment by Ortus12 in Hype bubble by fortunum
You atomize a lot of people with drones within the confines of physics?
I'd also point out the problems setting up the infrastructure for a system required to run all those processes, and the heat problems this monolith of computer systems will generate.
But I guess this problem doesn't even exist in your version.
Neither does latency.
vernes1978 t1_j1k5e3d wrote
Reply to comment by Ortus12 in Hype bubble by fortunum
neither does pixy dust.
vernes1978 t1_jee5ti8 wrote
Reply to Kremlin: Foreign journalists can carry on working in Russia by Quantum_II
And Russia is well known for never coming back on their statements.