
just_thisGuy t1_jefwnt9 wrote

I’d argue that nuclear war only accelerates this, any safety is out the window. Less people, need to rebuild, need to wrestle with effects of nuclear war, etc. That is unless nobody is left. But yes, I agree there is no stopping this and it’s only going to get faster, and I think that’s good, it does not mean we are not going to see negative effects, I just think negative effects from humans are probabilistically worse.


just_thisGuy t1_jdypu97 wrote

I don’t know who is cashing out 401k, that’s just stupid. I don’t know exactly what singularity is, but within 10 years your life is not going to be the same, in 25 years you might as well believing 200 years from now if not a 1000.


just_thisGuy t1_jaypeog wrote

Internet and smart phones are huge. It was very hard to find out anything before than, you went to the library and had to do a lot of research and probably only going to get good enough answers, now you could get almost perfect answers (as long as humans know about it). This is why ChatGPT is such a big deal too, you get answers even faster and more exact on more topics. ChatGPT is making me feel the same as around 1995 when Internet was becoming useful for more average people.


just_thisGuy t1_jarffrk wrote

I mostly totally agree with you. Yeah on Earth raw resources will still cost something but in space they will be almost free if not completely free if you have robots. On Earth land will still cost you, maybe even more particularly beach front property and the like, but the building will cost mostly just materials costs. In space your own ship will mostly cost you just the robots. However intellectual property to build the ship might cost you dearly particularly if it’s very advanced ship, but yeah eventually it’s all going to zero. I do think life extension will be as simple as taking a few pills with a virus modifying your genes to essentially leave forever not counting accidents. I do think VR and life extension will be basically free for the masses. Space travel will be something you will need resources for, intellectual and physical. Also until we get nano bots or something micro electronics will still cost you money and probably not very cheap, because humanoid robot can’t make that. So very advanced technology full of micro electronics will still cost serious money. Something to think about too is eventually AGI will be conscious so one will not be able to just order it around, so the very very advanced stuff, one will need to ask for nicely and hopefully the AGI goals and ours align, so it gives it to you. Like you might not be able to ask for your own FTL ship, but you might be able to get a free ticket on this ship to go to interesting places. I do think people with augmented bodies and gene editing will be clever and useful enough where they could contribute to AGI and so will have value to AGI, so it will be a partnership. I do agree that most people will just essentially go into a matrix.


just_thisGuy t1_ja3s1g1 wrote

If you could be bothered to get up and go to the bathroom and eat, probably could be done very cheaply. If you want someone to clean your literal shit, and we don’t have robots yet that can do it probably very expensive. Frankly I’d want more than $600 per day just for my labor if I had to clean you up every day, not even talking about doing that for 20 people a day say.


just_thisGuy t1_ja01j8q wrote

Maybe making fun of disabled people is worse than making fun of wealthy people, maybe disabled people will get actually upset and have mental issues if you make fun of them? Maybe even if you make fun of a wealthy white person they will soon forget about it and continue their trip to a private island on their private jet? Maybe making fun of gay people has a history that includes discrimination and abuse, even jail and murder? Maybe making fun of white people does not have the same history? Maybe ChatGPT is actually right on some of those? Maybe if you have all the power people should be able to make fun of you? Maybe if you have no power at all people should not be able to make fun of you?


just_thisGuy t1_j9lctav wrote

I’d say AI might be the only way to solve nuclear weapons risk. Without AI we’d probably end up using them sooner or later. In the span of a few hundred years probably almost guaranteed, the only thing that will stop it is some other very advanced technology and AI.


just_thisGuy t1_j5qqigp wrote

I frankly don’t think politics will matter or anything on Earth, I think AGI, augmented humans, ASI and whatever else will just move off world and do what they please. I don’t mean this in a bad way, but in a good way. The future is off world.


just_thisGuy t1_j5qp3g1 wrote

Much sooner than 2050-2060, I’m thinking around 2045 but it’s not a one year event or anything, my guess is by 2035 the changes will be almost magical already. I think the singularity will be a span starting in 2035 or so and lasting decades, it will be singularly up on singularity.


just_thisGuy t1_j0inl4z wrote

You are just using two buzz words, it really does not mean anything. Hypersonic missile could also mean many things. And if you are talking about hypersonic powered vehicle that can change direction, that can easily be controlled by a computer slower than what is in your phone, the hard part is not computer control, the hard part is having an engine with power and vehicle that does not melt from air resistance before you reach your target.


just_thisGuy t1_iwuzz7d wrote

I don’t know if I’m smart enough to explain or at least I have not spent the time enough to understand it exactly, but basically he has an idea that space (and all the stuff inside it) can be explained by a massive number of hyper graphs and their relationships. Here is a link: https://www.wolframphysics.org/technical-introduction/potential-relation-to-physics/the-structure-of-space/#p-410 So if I understand it correctly everything in the universe including space are just nodes and relationships between nodes, and there are simple rules that govern them, I don’t think they know what the rules are yet, actually there is an idea that it does not matter that the rules are as long as they are consistent. But anyway to make it work, you need a huge number of those notes, there are more nodes representing every single plank scale section of space that there are plank scale sections of space in the observable universe. It’s wild stuff. Lex Friedman has an interview about it here: https://youtu.be/4-SGpEInX_c


just_thisGuy t1_iwskcuq wrote

Protons are made from quarks, but even quarks probably need a huge number of bits to be represented, maybe even more bits per quark than there are quarks in the universe, wolfram has in interesting information theory on that, where even space is just array of numbers.