
LightVelox t1_ja0a5ew wrote

Well, the intrinsic motivation for most right-wing people i've meet were related mostly to taxes, freedom or being anti-state.

You mention fairness as one of the motivations for left-wing, but most right-wingers(that aren't far-right conservatives) are also searching for fairness, the thing is that THEIR fairness is not the same as left-wing's fairness.

Though you specifically mentioned "conservative" instead of "right-winger" so i can understand your point of view


LightVelox t1_j9ymr47 wrote

empathic motivation/harm avoidance = riots, celebrating the death of rightists, shaming people for their genetic "privileges", reducing people to sub-human status so it's okay to treat them like trash

the "other side" is as bad, if not worse, but acting as if the left wing are the saints that fight for fairness while right wing(the other 50%) is the devil that hates immigrants and everyone else is laughable

especially when the far-left has a far higher body count than the far-right


LightVelox t1_j82m6ea wrote

Higher taxes to cover the tax loophole instead of investments or cutting costs; firing the central bank's president; putting Dilma, the worst president of Brazil in economics, as president of BRICS; releasing Sergio Cabral, who had a 400 year sentence; high inflation with high interest rate, what is the president's plan for that? nothing, just insult investors and try to virtually reduce the interest rate; every single politician got a raise, while the minimun revenue necessary for paying income taxes has been reduced; Offering billionaire loans to latin-american countries that haven't even paid their previous loan yet, meanwhile no budget for education; banning all guns, even for sports; planning to end military police, in a country with 60k deaths/year; passing retroactive taxes to businesses, causing billions of losses and raising product prices; wants to end Uber in Brazil; Censorship through the Truth Ministry; Made it so ties in federal disputes are now in the state's favor rather than the population's, meaning improperly charged taxes must be paid now anyway;

All of that in a single month, this post was literally the first good news i've seen from the current government.

Edit: Leftist echochamber downvoting into oblivion as always, bunch of retards that don't even live here saying it's a perfect country because of god Lula


LightVelox t1_iw2rqld wrote

They hyped GPT-2 saying they didn't want to release it because it was so powerful it was dangerous and scary, and when it was actually released to the public it was... meh, yeah, impressive technology, but definitely nowhere near what even a 12-year old can write