
waetherman t1_j4168ry wrote

Yesterday-waetherman is an asshole. I can’t tell you how many times he’s left me behind on a deadline, with a mountain of work just because he wanted to sit on his lazy ass and watch tv or play video games, or just sit around and do nothing at all. Worse is when he either overeats or gets drunk and I’m the one who has to deal with the extra weight or hangover. I really hate him.

Luckily, tomorrow-waetherman is very understanding and very productive, so I’m sure I can just leave things for him to deal with and he can catch up.


waetherman t1_j2rri3p wrote

It's too damn easy to get a driver's license in this country - far too many people don't understand how to drive properly. Take this as an opportunity to learn to drive well - it's a skill that will serve you for the rest of your life.


waetherman t1_j02ksfm wrote

"which sounds like I"m a psychopath and the worst parent ever"

Um, yeah, it doesn't just sound like that.

I mean, we all improvise this parenting thing and I'm right there with you in telling wacky tales, but this one really pushes it. Gotta check that stuff before it leaves your mouth, or at the very least roll it back real quick.


waetherman t1_iwuk5cf wrote

There's an old expression "don't shit where you eat" which can mean a lot of things but usually is used to mean don't have romantic relationships in the office. Even letting your gf meet alone with your coworker was a bad idea. Now it's off the rails. Out of your control. Hopefully the only thing that crashes is your relationship, and it doesn't take your job down with it.

Lesson learned, hopefully.


waetherman t1_is7wgtf wrote

I didn't say excessive, just more than I use. I make crepes pretty much 2-3x per week for my son/wife and my standard recipe (which is going to be confusing for your German brain) is 1 cup flour, 1/2 cup water, 1/2 cup milk, 1 egg and 1 tablespoon butter. It's an easy recipe to remember before I've had my coffee. But I don't know - maybe it would be better with more eggs...


waetherman t1_is5tilq wrote

Yes, in America we'd call that a crepe. We eat them mostly sweet but some savory too. My recipe would have less eggs though - only 1 for that amount of flour.

In America, "pancake" implies a recipe that includes baking powder which makes them fluffy, like a cake.

Looks delicious BTW. I love gorgonzola and I bet it goes great with the spinach.