whatsinaname1970 t1_j9x8qvs wrote
NJ state art museum in Trenton. Unsung stunner.
whatsinaname1970 t1_j2fggfi wrote
Reply to No better breakfast to end the year! by JZstrng
Yuck. It even looks like coronary heart disease, with ketchup blood. Wishing your 2023 has lots of oatmeal with honey and cinnamon and pumpkin seeds
whatsinaname1970 t1_j11wu94 wrote
Reply to comment by neverknowswhattosay in I’m from PA, I don’t know why I did this by dinkin-flickah
Right? Our state does have a beautiful shape!
whatsinaname1970 t1_ixkb8zn wrote
Reply to comment by KindandJustDemonKing in A cat showed up on my doorstep by KindandJustDemonKing
Too cold, bring him in now please
whatsinaname1970 t1_ivre348 wrote
Reply to comment by THROWAWAYHELLLLL in One Day I want To have a Home Here. Seems like wishful thinking. by THROWAWAYHELLLLL
It’s too hard to make big change by yourself without a lot of information.Consider going to a plant based potluck. https://plantpurecommunities.org/find-a-pod/ The fellow who started this is the son of Dr. Campbell who wrote something amazing called the China Study … watch the movie “Forks Over Knives” for context … and it’s just a really good documentary. Good luck with everything!
whatsinaname1970 t1_ivr6btg wrote
Honestly, a slow change from McDonalds to home cooked lentils/beans and rice will not only save you money, but make you healthier. Medical expenses, and the associated trauma, are really really expensive. Start on a slow path to healthier to save yourself a lot. A 3 qt instant pot is not so expensive, and something everyone should have anyway … you can never burn anything, it’s fabulous. I know this doesn’t do a lot for you right now, but over time it absolutely will. I hope you get to move here, every place has its warts, but overall Jersey is just great.
whatsinaname1970 t1_ivo62gz wrote
Reply to Tried to vote today, I’ve voted in every election for 10 years, haven’t moved, and now suddenly my names not in the system by [deleted]
Mail voting. We voted weeks ago, no problem.
whatsinaname1970 t1_jdu35km wrote
Reply to Got stood up on a first date tonight. Here’s for going home and eating alone! by halosixsixsix
I hope s/he is ok. Maybe there was a reason? Maybe reach out just to ask if s/he is ok.